


1. Getting Ready

Final Scoring cards

After all players have assigned their Special tasks, deal 3 Final Scoring cards face down to each player (including yourself). Each player chooses 1 of their cards and places it face down next to their Garden.

Return the remaining 2 cards to the pile, face down. Then shuffle the pile again.

Note: In a 4-player game, you will be dealing out all the cards. Create a new pile out of the cards not chosen.

You can look at your own chosen card at any time.

Unique Gardens

Every Garden is now slightly different. One of the Gardens has a slightly different Setup: It has only 4 Basic tasks. When playing with this garden, assign 1 Special task to each of them as usual, and return the remaining task to the box.

You also get 1 additional Final Scoring card. In other words, keep 2 of the 3 cards you were dealt.

Gardener Starting Position

As mentioned earlier, there is more than one starting position to choose from. After assigning your Special tasks and choosing your Final Scoring card, you may change your Gardener’s starting position.

The other Gardener can take a break until Round Two.

2. Round Two

At the start of Round Two, flip over all the Flower tiles as usual.

Additionally, each player now gains a second Gardener. Place them on any empty starting position in your Garden.

From now on, you can use both Gardeners (for more on that, see Your Second Gardener).

3. Final scoring

After scoring the Points for your columns, reveal your Final Scoring card(s).

Each card will score you Points for specific achievements in your Garden.

You will score Points based on how well you fulfilled the conditions shown. Score the Points once per time you’ve fulfilled the condition.

Special case: One of the cards has no condition, and instead awards you a fixed number of Victory Points (see below).

Here you can find explanations for specific cards that might raise questions:

You score 1 Victory Point for each Flower bed with a Plant in it.

You score 6 Victory Points for each fully planted row.

You score 6 Victory Points for each square of 4 Flower beds with Plants in them. Each Plant can only be 6 part of 1 square.

You simply score 12 Victory Points.

You score 4 Victory Points for each Basic task you have completed. (You can tell which Basic tasks are completed because they are covered by Special tasks.)

You score 7 Victory Points for each Special task you completed. (You can tell which Special tasks are completed because they are face down on your Garden.)