Mists Over Carcassonne

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I have to place a hound and there are no living meeples?
When there are no meeples or only buried meeples in the game, the hound is lost, since you cannot place it.
Related Rule(s)
Does joint scoring multiply the value of shields in a finished city?
Joint scoring multiplies the entire value of a finished city, including the shield value. So if 2 players are involved in joint scoring, each shield would be worth 4 points instead of 2.
Related Rule(s)
I skip scoring to remove ghosts and choose the starting tile. Do I remove all ghosts from the entire starting tile?
When you choose to remove ghosts from a land tile (instead of scoring), you may choose any regular-sized tile the starting tile represents and remove the ghosts from it. But you cannot remove ghosts from the entire starting tile with a single action this way.
If I trigger joint scoring and choose to remove ghosts instead of scoring, do I skip entire scoring (of all players involved in the joint scoring)?
If you choose to remove ghosts instead of scoring, you must skip the entire scoring. So if 2 players are involved in joint scoring, you cannot skip one player's scoring to remove ghosts, and then score the other player's points.
Do we have to have an equal number of different-color meeples on a road or a city to trigger joint scoring?
There are no majorities in mists over Carcassonne. You count how many different colors are present in the scored region. For example, you complete a road which goes through 5 tiles and has 2 blue meeple and 1 red meeple on that road. In this case, you score 10 points in total, 5 for blue and 5 for red.⁠
Related Rule(s)
How many points do I lose for having meeples with ghosts?
-1 per ghost
Each ghost added to your meeples is worth -1 point during final scoring.
Related Rule(s)
How many points do I gain for having a meeple on a castle during final scoring?
1 per tile with mist
Each castle with a meeple on it is worth 1 point for the castle plus 1 point for each surrounding tile with mist on it during final scoring.
Related Rule(s)
Can I place ghosts to a farmer to drive it off?
Yes, to non-guardian
You can place ghosts to a farmer just like any other meeple. Also, just like any other meeple, you cannot place ghosts to it, if it is a guardian meeple.
Related Rule(s)
Do fields, separated by a mist, act as 2 different fields?
Mist acts as a border to fields the same way that cities do.
Related Rule(s)
Do I score any points for surrounding a cemetery?
In the expansion, you gain an additional guard meeple, but score no points when scoring a cemetery.
Related Rule(s)
Can I go below zero on the scoring track?
Even though you can score negative points when scoring a meeple with ghosts, you cannot go lower than 0 points on the scoring track.
Related Rule(s)
Can I score negative points for scoring a meeple with ghosts?
You may end up scoring negative points when you score a meeple with ghosts added to it.
Related Rule(s)
How many points do I lose for scoring a meeple with ghosts?
-2 per ghost
Each ghost added to the meeple being scored costs you -2 points.
Related Rule(s)
How many ghosts have to be placed to a meeple to drive it off?
As soon as you add the third ghost to a meeple on the game board, you must return the meeple and the ghosts to their respective supplies.
If I expand a mist and limit another mist with the same tile, do I add 2 ghosts (to my and another player's meeples)?
It can happen that you simultaneously expand one mist bank while limiting another. In that case you must first add 1 ghost to another player’s meeple on the game board, after which you must add 1 ghost to one of your own meeples on the game board.
Can I place a land tile so it is ONLY adjacent to a face-down tile (and not adjacent to any face-up tile)?
New face-up tiles can only be placed adjacent to face-down tiles if they also share at least one edge with a different, face-up tile already added to the board.
How many face-down stiles do we have to place each turn, if we have multiple open cemeteries?
Even if more than one cemetery is open, you still only draw and place 1 face-down tile. In this case, you can choose which cemetery to place it adjacent to.
Can I look at a face-down tile, drawn because of a haunted cemetery?
As long as you have an open cemetery, you must once per turn draw 1 tile WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT and place it on the board adjacent to any open cemetery.
Can I finish a castle with any face-down tiles surrounding it?
If a face-down tile is placed around a castle, then it can’t be finished any more.
Can I finish a city or a road, which leads to a face-down tile?
Face-down tiles may be placed adjacent to any type of terrain (roads, cities, etc.), but do not finish anything except cemeteries. All other regions with a face-down tile adjacent to them are ‘haunted’ and cannot be finished any more.
Does a haunted cemetery add ghosts to FINISHED mists when the cemetery is placed?
When you place a haunted cemetery, you must add 1 ghost to each tile with mist on it around the cemetery. It doesn’t matter if the mist bank is finished or not, or if any ghosts are already on the tile or not.
How many tiles do we have to place around a haunted cemetery to close it?
All 8
In order to close a haunted cemetery, you must completely surround it with 8 tiles (just like when scoring a castle).
Can I choose to remove ghosts from a land tile instead of scoring a hound?
You can never choose to forego points when scoring a hound to remove ghosts instead.
Related Rule(s)
Can a hound remove ghosts from a cemetery?
When you place a hound, you remove up to 3 ghosts from any adjacent tile twice, no matter where exactly the ghosts are on this tile.
Related Rule(s)
Can a hound remove ghosts from its own tile?
After you place a hound on the board, you may remove up to 3 ghosts each from any 2 different land tiles adjacent to the hound, including the tile you placed the hound on itself.
Related Rule(s)
When we have to add a ghost to a cemetery and we have multiple open cemeteries, how many ghosts do we add?
If you must add a ghost and there are multiple open cemeteries, you still add only 1 ghost, deciding as a team where to add the extra ghost.
What happens, if we must bury a meeple, but there are no meeples on the board?
Take it from supply
If you must bury a meeple but you don’t have any meeples on the board, you must use one from your supply instead.
How do we remove ghosts from a cemetery?
Place 4 tiles around
As soon as tiles are added to all 4 sides of the cemetery tile (left, right, top, bottom), you remove all ghosts from this cemetery tile (in addition to burying a meeple).
Does a cemetery tile have to be fully surrounded by 8 tiles to trigger burying a meeple?
No, only 4
You must bury a meeple in a cemetery as soon as tiles are added to all 4 sides of the cemetery tile (left, right, top, bottom).
When does the Castle score?
When surrounded
You score the castle as soon as it is completely surrounded by land tiles.
Related Rule(s)
When we score a Castle, does it provide 2 points for its own tile?
When you score a castle, you score 2 points for each surrounding tile with mist on it, including the castle tile itself.
Related Rule(s)
How many points does the castle provide?
2 per mist tile
When you completely surround a castle with tiles, score 2 points for each surrounding tile with mist on it (including the castle tile itself).
Related Rule(s)
Do we still win the game, if we pass the goal tile on the scoring track?
You win the game immediately when you reach or pass the goal tile on the scoring track - you don't need to score the exact points, marked by the goal tile.
Related Rule(s)
Do we score any points (for unfinished cities and roads) at the end of the game?
There is no final scoring in the game. When the game end is triggered, no more points can be scored, so unfinished roads and cities are worth zero points.
Related Rule(s)
Do I score more, if I have multiple meeples of the same color on a finished road or city?
It does not matter if there are several meeples of the same color on a finished road or city - you only get additional points for having meeples of different colors on such a road or city. Also, there must be an equal number of different-color meeples (for example, 1 red and 1 blue meeples, or 2 red and 2 blue meeples) to trigger joint scoring.
Related Rule(s)
What happens, if meeples of multiple colors are on a finished road or city?
The score multiplies
If you finish a road or a city and there are meeples of several colors on this road or city, you score the road or city once for each different-colored meeple on it. For example, if you complete a 5-point road with 2 meeples of different colors on it, you score 10 points.
Related Rule(s)
If I finish several roads or cities with a single tile, can I choose to score or to remove ghosts for each of them separately?
When a single tile triggers scoring more than once, the active player decides what happens for each scoring separately.
Can I remove ghosts from several tiles when I skip scoring?
When placing a tile triggers scoring, you may remove up to 3 ghosts from exactly 1 tile of your choice.
How many ghosts can I remove from a tile, when I skip scoring?
Up to 3
When placing a tile triggers scoring, you may remove up to 3 ghosts from exactly 1 tile of your choice.
Can I score mist banks?
While you can finish mist banks, they never trigger scoring (you remove ghosts instead). However, placing a tile with mist can also trigger scoring of roads and cities in the usual manner.
Can I place a meeple onto a mist bank?
Not directly
You can never place a meeple directly onto mist. You may, however, place one onto a clear road or city on the tile, as per usual (or, in later levels, into a castle).
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to place a ghost, if I expand a mist bank with a tile, which shows only 1 ghost?
If you expand at least one mist bank when placing a tile (i.e. matched at least one side of the tile you just placed with mist already on the board), then you place one fewer ghost on the tile. If the tile only shows a single ghost, then you don’t need to place any ghosts.
Related Rule(s)
How do we remove ghosts from the board?
Finishing mist banks
When you finish a mist bank, immediately remove all ghosts from the associated mist, returning them to the general supply.
Related Rule(s)
Can we finish a mist bank, if its side is touching a regular field or road?
A mist can never be finished as soon as one side is next to a field or road without mist. In order to finish a mist you must completely surround with edges of the mist, just like a city.
Related Rule(s)
Can I place a tile so that a misty road or field touches a regular road or field?
When placing a tile you must place the tile such that road matches road and field matches field, meanwhile mist is ignored when considering tile placement restrictions.
Related Rule(s)
Can I gain points from shields without completing a city?
Shields provide points only when you complete a city the shields are in.
Related Rule(s)
How many points does a shield in a completed city provide?
Each shield in a completed city is worth 2 points.
Related Rule(s)
Can I take back my meeple from an unfinished road or city?
Your meeples return to your supply only when you complete a city or a road the meeples are on.
Related Rule(s)
How many points does a completed city provide?
2 points per tile
Each tile the finished city is on is worth 2 points.
Related Rule(s)
How many points does a completed road provide?
1 point per tile
Each tile a completed road is on is worth 1 point.
Related Rule(s)
Can another player finish a road or a city with my meeple on it and trigger scoring?
Whenever a road is completed, its scoring is triggered immediately, regardless which player's turn it is now.
Related Rule(s)
Can I place a my meeple on a road or a city, which is already occupied by another meeple?
You may only place your meeple on an unoccupied road.
Related Rule(s)
Does the new tile I place have to touch another tile orthogonally (as opposed to touching diagonally)?
When you place a new land tile, you must place it so it touches at least 1 other tile with one of its sides (orthogonally). It is not enough for the tile to touch another tile with a corner (diagonally).
Related Rule(s)
Can I place several meeples in a single turn?
You may place up to 1 meeple on your turn.
Related Rule(s)
Can I place a meeple on a land tile, which was placed on an earlier turn?
You may only place your meeple on the new land tile, which you have placed this turn.
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to place my meeple on a land tile I have just placed?
After placing a land tile, you may OPTIONALLY place 1 meeple from your supply on this tile.
Related Rule(s)
Can I refuse drawing or placing 1 land tile on my turn?
On each of your turns, you must draw and place exactly 1 land tile.
Related Rule(s)
Who is the 1st player?
You are
Whoever is reading this FAQ entry is the start player.
Related Rule(s)
Can I show a tile I have drawn (but not yet placed) to other players?
You should show each other your tiles and decide as a team where to place them.
Related Rule(s)
What causes us to lose the game?
Ghost or tile supply
You lose the game when you run out of ghosts or tiles in the supply: when you must place a ghost or a tile but you cannot, you immediately lose the game.
Related Rule(s)
How do we win the game?
Reaching goal tile
In order to win the game, you must advance your scoring meeple to reach the goal tile, which is placed on a specific space during game setup.
Related Rule(s)