Faction cards represent the armies, personalities, special items, and main events of the War of the Ring. Each player, in the Trilogy scenario, will play with a unique deck of 30 cards, belonging to one or more different factions.

1. Faction: This determines which deck the card belongs to and which battlegrounds it can be played or moved to. It is often referenced in game text.

2. Card type icon: Army, Character, Event, or Item.

3. Battleground attack icons.

4. Battleground defense icons.

5. Leadership attack icons.

6. Leadership defense icons.

7. Allowed paths (characters only): These are the paths to which this card may be played or moved. Numbers separated by a dash also include all paths between those numbers.

8. Path combat icons.

9. Faction and Type: Text version of the icons at the top of the card.

10. Title.

11. Game text: Additional effects, rules exceptions, or ways in which the card may be used. Boldface in the game text is used to indicate that the text applies with a specific timing. Game text may also contain a bold initial word that indicates a characteristic of that card (for example, “Nazgûl” or “Weapon”). This characteristic is only considered when referred to by another card’s text or a rule; otherwise, it can be ignored.

12. Allowed wielders (items only): These are the characters that may wield this item.

13. Card artist: No game effect.

14. Card ID: No game effect.

15. Flavor text: No game effect. Not every card has flavor text.

A * symbol indicates that the number of icons depends on the card’s game text.

A smaller circled icon / is a leadership icon.


— Some cards will refer to a character by just the first name. For example, “Sam Gamgee” is shortened to “Sam”.

— “Gandalf” can mean either “Gandalf the Grey” or “Gandalf the White”.

— Cards may be referred to by their card type. For example, “character” instead of “character card”.

— Some text refers to keywords on cards. For example, “Nazgûl” or “Weapon”.
