Do I collect a reward after tricking a monster?
No. You do not gain any reward from tricking a monster.
How many weapons can I equip?
You can equip only one weapon at a time.
Is downgrading a Weapon considered an action?
Yes, during the battle step it consumes your turn.
What if I want to upgrade my weapon during Level 4 combat phase?
You will spend effort instead of time, since the time isn't tracked anymore.
What different ways are there to acquire skills?
You get two Skill Cards and keep one when you kill a monster. You could also be lucky and get one through an encounter.
What if the game is too easy?
play on hard mode
Hard mode: begin with 10 efforts and let the monsters start the combat.
What if I feel the game is too hard?
play on easy mode
Easy mode: during setup start with 1 random resource and 1 skill card (take two and choose one).
When do I reset the Time Tracker?
After revealing a monster sheet you reset your tracker to the starting point of your next level.
Can I choose to spend small effort instead of consuming food during the Hunger Step?
What can I do during my turn in the battle step?
Attack with a weapon, take an action or skip your turn.
Can I take as many actions as I want in combat?
No, just 1 action. Then it's the monsters turn again.
What is a level?
You need to survive 4 levels. In every level you play the travel phase followed by the combat phase.
Can I resolve an encounter if I would go under zero time?
Yes you can, but after that you will be immediately ambushed by the monster.
What if there is no Ambush Effect on the monster card.
Nothing happens
Nothing happens
What happens if I should gain a condition I already have?
If a monster effect would cause you to gain a Condition you have already gained for the next Level, re-roll it. If it would cause you to immediately gain a Condition you already have — extend the duration of the Condition by the number of turns.
How do I calculate my score?
Each remaining resource (except Small Effort) has a point value: Medium effort: 3 points. Large effort: 5 points. Cunning: 2 points. Metal: 3 points. Wood: 2 points. Food: 3 points. Treasure: 10 points.
What is indicated with "attack power"?
The amount of wounds inflicted or armor broken during an attack.
Can I skip my turn during the combat phase?
What happens if a monster combat effect cannot be applied?
Apply the alternative effect written in brackets. If there is no alternative effect, nothing happens.
What do I earn if I tricked a monster?
No rewards
You get no rewards and continue to the next level.
What if I cannot use either Exploration card I have drawn?
You rest
You need to rest, that means you spend the time on one of the exploration cards to gain the equal amount of effort.
Can I leave the travel phase whenever I want?
Yes, unless you are committed to an encounter you can decide to proceed to the combat phase during each decision step.
Can I take unlimited actions during the preparation step?
Yes, as long you can spend the resources needed and your time-tracker does not drop to 0 after the action.
When will I be ambushed by the monster?
If you reach 0 time during your exploration step .
How long will conditions last?
Until next level
Active conditions are removed at the end of the actual level.
Are conditions always bad?
No, sometimes with some luck you could get out of a combat with some positive conditions.
What happens if I gain a condition I already have for the next level?
In that case you will have to re-roll the die and follow instructions for the new preformed action.
What is treasure good for?
Mainly for your glory if you can get it out alive,... but sometimes you could also exchange it during an encounter.
What are wood and metal used for?
They are used to craft weapons, to exchange them during encounters, or to trick some monsters.
Can I increase my chances in some way when I draw new encounters?
Yes, you could use the Orienteer Action to draw 2 more cards to choose from.
How can I get more cunning?
Using the "plan" action during the travel phase or combat phase.
What are the dice values in the combat action section of a monster sheet?
You roll the special die during a monsters battle turn. The rolled number reveals which of the listed actions is performed by the monster.
What happens if I need to downgrade a weapon?
You return your current weapon sheet and for the duration of the downgrade you will play with the previous one.
How can I craft a new weapon?
By paying an upgrade cost visible on you actual weapon.
What does "resolving an encounter" mean?
Basically, you take 2 encounter cards, you pick one and decide if you play that encounter or rest instead.
What is my display?
Your display is every card you have in play at the moment.
Can I wound a monster if it has armor?
No, you first have to eliminate the armor value with some armor-breaking attacks, then you can wound the monster.
Can I perform an Action if I don't have enough time?
No, you always have to pay all the resources when you take an Action. Resolving an encounter is not an action and it has a special rule for running out of time.
Can I trade medium effort for small effort or large effort for medium effort?
No, there are no actions to exchange greater effort with smaller one, but you can always spend a bigger effort for a smaller one if you want.
If I have to commit to an encounter, can I rest instead of handling the exploration card?
No, if you are committed to an encounter you cannot rest. If you cannot spend the resources needed you just pay the time price of the exploration card.
After defeating a monster during the reward step do I always get to choose 1 skill card?
Yes you do. Take 2 skill cards from the skill deck and pick 1. The Skill Icon in the reward section of the monster sheets reminds you of that.
How many times can I use the character abilities?
In each Level, the number of times you can use your character’s abilities is equal to the number of the current Level.
What happens if I have no food during the Hunger Step?
You will pay with small effort: 1 small effort for the first food you don't eat, 2 small efforts for the second one and so on.
What is the number on the monster sheet.
When you need to reveal a monster you roll the special die and take the monster sheet according to the value you rolled.
When is the game over?
Either when you have defeated the level IV Monster and survived the Hunger Step or starved to death because you don't have food or small effort to spend.
Does revealing the monster Scouting during the Travel Phase prevent ambushes?
You are always ambushed if your Time Tracker reaches “0”, even if you have revealed the monster already in the Travel Phase.
Can I trick a monster with no Trickery Cost?
If the monster has no Trickery Cost it cannot be tricked.
How many skill cards can I have?
No limit
There is no limit to the number of Skill Cards you can have.