Tiny Epic Dinosaurs

2. Check for Dinosaurs or Action


Now determine if the Rival either gains Dinosaurs or performs an action. Check to see if there were already Ranchers or Rival Rancher Cards on that Action Mat where the card was just placed:

An Empty Mat: If the mat is empty of your Ranchers or another Rival Rancher Card, then the Rival gains the Dinosaur(s) listed on the card. Place the Dinosaur(s) into the Rival Ranch’s column that matches the dinosaur on the card, filling in the Enclosures going from the bottom to the top. If there is no room in the column for that Dinosaur (which only has room for 3) then it is not placed. Instead, the Rival immediately performs the Rival Special Action listed at the top of the Rival Ranch (see below).

Note: On some cards, the Rival gains 2 Dinosaurs.

An Occupied Mat: If the mat is already occupied by your Ranchers or another Rival Rancher Card, then the Rival performs an action instead. First, find the column that matches the Dinosaur on the card. The bottom-most available Enclosure in that column lists the action the Rival takes.

Rival Special Action

When performing an action, if there are no open Enclosures in that column, perform the Rival Special Action listed at the Mat's top.