
Fish Card Anatomy



A - When playing this fish, you must remove 2 young from anywhere in your ocean. Also, this fish must consume (cover up) a shorter fish in your ocean. Other fish may require you to remove eggs or schools from your ocean and/or discard cards from your hand.

B - This fish is an Über Predator since it has two predator tags. Über Predators have an ability that affects all players when played.

C - Gain this fish’s benefits when you play it. Some fish abilities are activated when you dive at that fish’s site (brown abilities), and others are used at the end of the game (yellow abilities).

D - This is the fish’s ability. (See the player aid for details about each ability type.) These benefits are optional for each affected player.

E - This fish’s ability affects all players.

F - This is the fish’s length. Large fish (like this one) have a () tail icon. Medium fish have a () tail icon. Small fish have a () tail icon.

G - This fish is worth 10 points.

H - This fish may be played in any zone in your ocean: Sunlight, Twilight, or Midnight.
