
Play a Fish Card



Playing a fish involves choosing a fish card from your hand, paying its cost, and placing it on your ocean mat. Thematically, this represents you discovering this fish in an area of your ocean.

Follow these steps to play a fish card:

1. PLACE A DIVER. Place an available diver in the gray box at the upper left of your ocean.

2. PAY THE COST. Choose a fish card from your hand and pay the cost noted on the upper left corner of the card.

• Many costs include discarding 1 or more additional cards () from your hand as payment. Cards discarded in this way are placed face up in your personal discard pile.

• Some costs include paying eggs () or young () from anywhere in your ocean. (Place the tokens back in the general supply.)

• Other costs involve consuming a fish () in your ocean. When you play a fish with such a cost, it must cover a shorter fish (card or forage) already in your ocean.

3. PLACE THE FISH. Choose an empty or occupied slot in your ocean and place the fish there, following these rules:

ZONES: Each fish has 1 or more zones where it may be placed (Sunlight, Twilight, and/or Midnight), as indicated in the left sidebar of the card.

DIVE SITES: Fish with blue, purple, or green color bands may only be placed in their matching dive sites (columns). Other fish without a blue, purple or green color band may be placed in any dive site.

COVERING EGGS AND YOUNG: If a fish is placed on top of egg or young tokens, transfer those tokens to the newly played fish.

CONSUMING FISH: You may place the fish on top of a shorter fish (card or forage) either by choice or to satisfy a cost.

—The played fish must have a longer length (shown at the bottom left) than the fish it consumes.

—Any tokens (egg, young, or school) on the consumed fish transfer to the played fish.

—Consumed fish remain under the fish card that consumed them and no longer count as fish in your ocean. Each consumed fish is worth 1 point at the end of the game.

4. RESOLVE “WHEN PLAYED” ABILITIES. If the fish has a “WHEN PLAYED” ability, you may gain the benefit. If there is more than one benefit, you may choose the order in which you gain the benefits. If the benefit says, “all players,” each player may decide whether to gain the benefit. Gain the benefit in clockwise order, starting with the active player.