Many fish have one or more tags beside their common name to indicate special features of that fish. Some achievement tiles provide bonus points for specific tags on fish in your ocean.
BIOLUMINESCENT : These fish emit light from their bodies. Bioluminescence is common in the deep sea, where sunlight is scarce.
CAMOUFLAGE : These fish have developed a means to hide or to blend in with objects in their surroundings to protect themselves and/or as a means of ambushing their prey.
ACTIVE ELECTROLOCATION : Many types of fish have passive electrolocation, but these fish actively use electrolocation, generating weak electric fields to find food, navigate, and perhaps even communicate.
: These fish can deliver a strong electric discharge that stuns prey or repels predators. Many also possess active electrolocation. They count for all electrolocation achievements and abilities.
PREDATOR : Nearly all fish are predatory to some degree, but these fish are more predatory by nature than most.
: These predators are so fearsome and/or so large, they face little to no competition in their preferred habitat. They count for all predator achievements and abilities.
VENOMOUS : These fish produce natural toxins as a means of defending themselves.