The week ends after each player has taken 6 turns (used all their divers). At the end of weeks 1, 2, and 3, players simultaneously perform each step in order:
1. Gain points based on this week’s achievement (points for each instance of the item), noting the points on the scorepad.
EXAMPLE: At the end of week 1, if you have 5 eggs and 2 young in your ocean, gain 7 points. At the end of week 2, if you have 3 rows filled with fish (cards and forage), gain 6 points. At the end of week 3, if you have 4 schools, gain 8 points.
2. If you’re using side B of the achievement board, the player(s) who gained the most achievement points this week also gain a 3-point bonus.
3. Retrieve all your divers from your ocean.
4. If you have the first-player token, pass it clockwise to the next player.
At the end of week 4, proceed directly to the end-of-game steps. Otherwise, the player with the first-player token begins the next week.