1. Select a Villain to play against, then remove their card and deck from the box, placing it centrally located on the table for all players to see. Unless playing your first game, shuffle the Villain deck. Set the Villain HP spinner to the amount indicated by the card. Each Villain card has specific set-up instructions on the left edge of the card, follow those directions for finishing setting up the Villain.
(NOTE! If you're playing for the first time and the Baron Blade deck has been shuffled, see "Re-arranging the Baron Blade Deck" for help to setting it up correctly)
2. Select an Environment for the game to be set in. Shuffle the Environment deck and place it near the center of the table.
3. Select 3, 4 or 5 Heroes, depending on the number of players. If playing with 1 or 2 players, see the One & Two Player Games rules for additional instructions.
4. Each Hero has multiple character cards - two in the core game, but more in the future! For a first game, use the base Hero Card. For advanced games, use the First Apperance Cards and see the Hero Varients for rules. Return the unused Hero Character card in the box.
5. Each player will get an HP spinner. Set the spinner to the HP value of the Hero.
6. Shuffle each Hero deck and put it into a personal play area in front of that player. Each Hero draws the top 4 cards of their deck to create their starting hand.
7. Place the Token Box in the center of the table, in reach of all players.
Now you're ready to play!