How many players can play the game?
Is Sentinels of The Multiverse a cooperative game?
What sleeves can I use with the cards?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
I'm missing or have damaged components in the box, who should I contact?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Something on a card contradicts what the rules in the rulebook says.
That’s not a question. But don’t worry — the card is right. Effects on cards can “break” the rules of the game, like letting a Hero play or draw more than 1 card in a turn
During Setup, a card entered play that has some sort of cascading effect that alters the game state in a weird way. What do I do?
Cards played during Setup do not trigger any game text effects, either on the cards played, or on any other card in play.
If the name on the Hero Variant card is different from the regular Hero card, or the name on the Villain card from a Critical Event is different from the name used in the related deck, what do I do?
When using a Hero variant, treat all instances of the name of the standard Hero for that Hero’s deck as replaced by the name of the variant Hero character card. When playing a Critical Event, treat all instances of the name of the standard Villain character card for that Villain’s deck as replaced by the name of the Critical Event Villain character card.
While an effect is resolving, if new cards enter play or something alters the elements of the game that can be affected, does the effect apply to the new cards/elements?
Yes, effects essentially constantly check for anything they can affect, attempting to “solve” the game state until they are resolved. So, for example, an attack that hits all targets in play will hit any targets that come into play while that attack is happening
Some cards indicate where to play them, like many of Captain Cosmic's constructs. Where do cards that don't indicate where they're played go?
Cards are played to their respective play areas, unless indicated otherwise. Villain cards are played in the Villain play area. Environment cards are played in the Environment play area. Each Hero’s cards are played in that Hero’s play area.
What order to phase actions happen in? For example, does Omnitron play a card or flip first on its Play Phase?
Any static action on a card that happens in a phase, such as flip or “Regain 1 HP” happens first. Then, the regular action happens for that phase, such as playing a card during the Play Phase. Finally, any optional extra actions granted can be used, such as “You may use 1 additional power this phase.
Does revealing cards from the top of a deck change the top card of the deck?
Yes. The top card of a deck is always whatever card is currently on top of that deck. In the process of revealing cards from the top of a deck, the card that counts as the “top card of the deck” is the card that is physically on top of the deck.
What happens if a deck is empty?
Nothing, immediately. If a card would be drawn or played from a deck, and there are no cards in that deck, shuffle the associated trash to remake the deck, and then continue 20 by drawing or playing, as appropriate. Only drawing or playing causes this; effects like discard, reveal, or discover do not shuffle the trash into the deck. If you would bury a card and the deck is empty, the buried card goes to the trash instead
When dealing damage to multiple targets, is that one "attack"?
An “attack” is an instance of damage dealt to a target, regardless of if that damage is also dealt to other targets as part of the same effect. Each instance of damage is distinct. When 1 target is dealt damage, that is one instance of damage. If 3 targets are dealt damage, those are three instances of damage. If all targets of some type are dealt damage, the damage to each target is a distinct instance.
Do effects on cards under other cards count as in play? What happens to cards under other cards when the card on top is destroyed? Can I look at cards under other cards?
Cards under another card count as in play, but they have no title, keywords, HP, game text, etc. They only retain their type (Hero, Villain, or Environment), and which deck they belong to. This is also true of face-down cards. When a card is destroyed or leaves play in any other way, any cards under that card are destroyed, going to their appropriate trashes. Cards under a card in play cannot be affected by anything other than the card they are under, or an effect that specifically targets cards under other cards. You can look at cards under another card at any time. You cannot look at face-down cards, unless an effect says otherwise.
If I deal 5 damage to a target that has 2 HP, how much damage did I deal?
You dealt 5 damage. A target cannot have fewer than 0 HP. If a target is dealt more damage than it has HP, it is reduced to 0 HP. When a target is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed. However, when a target is dealt more damage than it has HP, the amount of damage is still dealt, even though the HP is only reduced to 0.
Can a card have a lingering effect after it leaves play?
No, cards that are not in play cannot affect what's happening in play. Any ongoing effects on a card immediately cease as soon as the game text of that effect leaves play, whether by the card being destroyed, buried, flipped face-down, put under another card, or any other methods that removes the card's game text from play. The only exception is cards that say "when this card is destroyed", which act as they are being destroyed, counting as still being in play until that effect is fully resolved.
Are you your own ally?
No, your allies are the other targets on your team, but not yourself.
What happens if something makes me play the top card of my deck, and that card cannot be legally played (such as a Limited card already in play)?
When a card would be played that cannot be played for some reason, it goes to your hand instead.