When you open the game for the first time, separate all the cards out into individual decks, using their deck backs to determine which deck each card belongs to. There are 12 Hero decks, 6 Villain decks, and 6 Environment decks. Organize those decks in the box in whatever way makes the most sense to you, using the included divider cards to keep each deck separated.

Note: make sure to not shuffle Baron Blade's deck, as it is in a specific order, as explained in the game set-up.

Then, sort all of the character and event cards. Each Hero has two character cards: a primary character card and a First Appearance variant. Each Villain has just one character card. There are 12 Event cards: 6 regular Events and 6 Critical Events.

Assemble the HP spinners by sandwiching the circles with numerals on them between the front and back plates, using the plastic rivets.

Make sure the numbers line up correctly in the front screen of the spinners before applying the back and securing the rivets.

For the Villain Spinner, fold the wings on the back plate in. This creates a space for the smaller of the two wheels. Once the numbers on the two wheels line up correctly in the front screen, then apply the rivets.

Finally, punch out all the tokens and put them into the dedicated token box. The token box helps keep the tokens together, and is also helpful to put on the table where all the players can reach it when playing the game.