Writer and Designer: Christopher Badell
Artist: Adam Robttaro
Editor: Christopher Badell
Layout and Graphic Design: SaRae Henderson and Darrell Louder
Developers: Christopher Badell and Christopher Burton
Product Developers: Christopher Badell, Paul Bender,
Maggie Clayton, Jennifer Closson
Playtesters: Michael J. Ahlers, Thomas Behrens Jr., Rob Brown, Josh Campbell, Tim Cosing, Ian Delaney, Zach Denoncour, Rob Donoghue, John Ellis, Leif Gaebler, Aaron Garrett, Jaclyn Garrett, Richard Gillingham, Jeremy Gottesman, Bryan Graham, Fred Hicks, Graham Hildebrandt, Donner Holten, Steve Kaylor, Benjamin Larsen, Russ Luzetski, Cole Preece, Nick Reale, Ruduen, Ryan Samarco, Michael Schector, Ryan Smith, Bill Stull, Brent Sandor Ur, Daniel Walker, Kenneth Zieres, and so many more people over the last ten years at conventions, game days, game stores, and in their own homes. Thank you all for making the Multiverse what it is.
Sentinel Comics was created by Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro
©2011-2021 Greater Than Games, LLC