Sentinel Comics has a long and rich history. The idea for Sentinel Comics started in 2010, when Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro sat down to create the stories that would become this game. They wanted Sentinels of the Multiverse to have an extensive back catalog to pull stories, art, and quotes from, and thus Sentinel Comics began with the comic book “Justice Comics #1” in May of 1940 and grew from there.
Sentinels of the Multiverse is made up of Heroes, Villains, and Environments from the pages of Sentinel Comics. Playing any combination of elements in this game is playing the story of a comic book that could have happened some time in the Multiverse. Events are a way of experiencing the major stories that make up that history in a campaign!
There are two types of Event cards: Events and Critical Events. Both showcase stories from Sentinel Comics, a cover of a key comic book from that event, and the date that comic book was released, so the events can be played through in chronological order as a campaign. Events are each focused on a Villain and can be taken on in any Environment, and with any set of Heroes. As you play through the scenarios set up by Events, you’ll collect rewards that you can use in future Events, up to the collection Limit stated on the front of the Event card.