Each daytime phase follows the procedure below for card selection.
1. You: Pick your card and place it on the island.
2. Pilferer: Draw the top card from the solo deck and orient it as a Pilferer card (orange flag at the top left) with the front side up on the island following the regular rules.
3. Automa:
a) Divide the loot tokens of the current day into 3 categories:
• Good: ,
, and
(chest, hook, and map).
• Average: ,
, and
(saber, amulet, and barrel).
• Bad: (relic).
Designers’ Note: There’s no need to learn these categories by heart.
b) To find the card Automa plays, look at (but do not draw) the top card of the solo deck. Go through the icon rows top to bottom until you find the first row that matches the loot tokens of the current day. All cards have the exact same icon rows:
• The first row matches any 3 loot tokens from the same category, e.g. (average, average, average).
• The second row matches any token combination with 2 bad tokens, e.g. .
• The third row matches any token combination with at least 1 bad and 1 good loot token, e.g. .
• The fourth row matches any token combination with at least 1 good token, e.g. .
• The last row matches any token combination with 1 bad token. Note: This row will always match all remaining combinations, which means they will be bad, average, average.
c) The icons in the right column of the table indicate the card from Automa’s hand that she’ll play.
The arrow shows that you start at the left and count right, so this icon indicates the third card from the left.
Rightmost card.
The second card from the left that shows a icon under its rank number. Skip all cards without a
If Automa has fewer cards in her hand than the number shown, count as far as possible and stop at the end of the card row.
only considers cards with the
icon. If there is only one card with this icon in her hand, she plays this card. If there are no cards in her hand with this icon, Automa plays the rightmost card in her hand.
d) Automa plays the chosen card. Place it on the island following the regular rules.
Example: Automa’s hand has these cards:
The loot tokens of the day are . That corresponds to the categories good, good, bad.
The top card of the solo deck is the one shown on the right.
The first row on the card doesn’t match because the tokens aren’t all of the same category.
The second row doesn’t match because there’s only 1 bad token.
The third row matches because there’s 1 bad and 1 good loot token. Therefore, she plays the second card from the right in her hand:
If the loot tokens had been (good, average, average), those tokens would have matched the fourth row (
> 2). Therefore, she would play card 17 because it’s the second card from the left that has a