7 Wonders

Set-Up Decks


7 Wonders is played during 3 ages and each uses one deck of cards. The amount of cards depends on the number of players.

In a 3 player game remove all the cards that have +4, +5, +6 and +7.
In a 4 player game remove all the cards that have +5, +6 and +7.
In a 5 player game remove all the cards that have +6 and +7.
In a 6 player game remove all the cards that have +7.
In a 7 player game use all the cards.


For the Age III deck remove the 10 Guilds (purple cards) and randomly (secretly) keep only the number required based on the number of players.

3 players: 5 guilds
4 players: 6 guilds
5 players: 7 guilds
6 players: 8 guilds
7 players: 9 guilds

Shuffle the kept guild cards with the other cards to make the Age III deck.

If all went correctly, in the beginning of each age every player should receive 7 cards.

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