There are some rule changes for a Cooperative Game without a Zombie Player. The Zombie actions are governed by an AI-controlled system.
1. When placing Survivor Tokens, choose the number based on the desired difficulty.
• 3 for an Easy Game
• 2 for a Normal Game
• 1 for a Hard Game
• 0 for an Epic Game
2. Randomly draw a Zombie Card. Only the passive Zombie ability at the top of the Zombie Card is used. No Horde Markers are needed.
3. Each Player draws 1 random facedown card from the Search Deck and places it face down by their Player Card.
No changes. Gameplay is the same as Cooperative vs. Zombie.
1. Check for Noise on the revealed Search Card:
• Does not match: The Zombie-AI adds 1 Zombie to each of the 2 Stores of the matching Symbols (2 total Zombies).
• Does match: The Zombie-AI adds 2 Zombies to each of the 2 Stores of the matching Symbols (4 total Zombies).
2. The active Player then draws a card from the Search Deck and places it face down by their Player Card.