Tiny Epic Zombies

Cooperative Game (2-4 Players)


There are some rule changes for a Cooperative Game without a Zombie Player. The Zombie actions are governed by an AI-controlled system.

Setup Changes

1. When placing Survivor Tokens, choose the number based on the desired difficulty.

3 for an Easy Game

2 for a Normal Game

1 for a Hard Game

0 for an Epic Game

2. Randomly draw a Zombie Card. Only the passive Zombie ability at the top of the Zombie Card is used. No Horde Markers are needed.

3. Each Player draws 1 random facedown card from the Search Deck and places it face down by their Player Card.

Human Changes

No changes. Gameplay is the same as Cooperative vs. Zombie.

Zombie-Ai Turn Changes

1. Check for Noise on the revealed Search Card:

Does not match: The Zombie-AI adds 1 Zombie to each of the 2 Stores of the matching Symbols (2 total Zombies).

• Does match: The Zombie-AI adds 2 Zombies to each of the 2 Stores of the matching Symbols (4 total Zombies).

2. The active Player then draws a card from the Search Deck and places it face down by their Player Card.