Tiny Epic Zombies

Check for Noise


The Zombie Player looks at the Search Card that was just revealed at the end of the last Human Player’s Turn, and notes whether that card’s Entrance Symbol matches the Entrance of the Store that Human Player’s ITEMeeple is in.

If the card’s Symbol:

• Does not match the Store that the Human Player is in, that Human does not Make a Noise. Add Zombies as normal (see Add New Zombies).

• Matches the Store that the Human Player is in, that Human Makes a Noise. Immediately, choose a Zombie Card (there may be more than one) and perform the action currently marked by the Horde Marker. If the Zombie Player has multiple Zombie Cards, only one card’s action may be performed this way in a single Zombie Turn. Then advance the Horde Marker up 1 space on that card’s track (if it is on the fifth and final space, do not move it any further). Then, the Zombie Player adds Zombies (see Add New Zombies).