1. Draw a Pinzetta event card and look at the top section:
a. For each item shown take a corresponding stamp or attendee card from the general supply and place them below Pinzetta’s mat as shown on the card as Pinzetta’s Daily Collection.
b. White stamps are placed face up. Stamps shown as their backside are placed face down and are considered face down until the end of the Swap Phase—you’re not allowed to look at them. Attendee cards are always placed face up.
The Pinzetta event card you have drawn for Pinzetta has this top section:
This leads to these two piles:
2. Draw another Pinzetta event card and take the items depicted in the middle section. Place them below Pinzetta’s Daily Collection with some space in between. These items are your Daily Collection and you may look at any face-down items. Later you will cut them into two piles.
3. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the second event card.
4. If you have the specialist card that takes effect during the Collect Phase (card 10), then resolve it now.
5. Discard both event cards.
6. Advance the phase token 1 space to the right.