In the Show Phase, players simultaneously move their chosen, reserved, and remaining items into their albums and score points.
1. PLACE: Players arrange all unplaced items on their player mat.
a. Add your new exhibitor and specialist cards to the marked areas on your player mat. Place new cards to the right of any existing cards so they are all visible.
b. Place stamps in your album. Stamps must be placed in empty regions within the grid of your player mat; they may not overlap other stamps or the edge of the grid, and existing stamps may not be moved to make room.
— Stamps must be placed upright with their value or cancellation mark displayed at the top right.
— Each stamp must be placed if possible. If not, discard it and immediately gain points equal to its value (this can result in a loss of points for stamps with negative values).
2. SCORE: Score your items and album as follows. Some specialist cards can affect score calculations.
• Score points as shown on your exhibitor card(s).
• If you currently have the first-player token, score 2 points.
• Choose one of the contest cards at the bottom of the board that does not have one of your show tickets. Score points for that card’s scoring condition, then place one of your show tickets there to indicate that you’ve entered that contest (this makes you choose a different contest card every round).
Once all players have scored their points, the round ends. Advance the phase token one space to the right. If the phase token moves to a new day, repeat Round Setup and begin the next round. Otherwise, move on to the Final Show (see End of Game).