1. Follow the procedure in the Pinzetta’s Item Appraisal box to appraise the items in your Daily Collection.
2. Reserve an item from your Daily Collection by placing it in the Reserve area of your player mat and discard its appraisal tokens (if any). You may not reserve a rare stamp (even if it’s face down).
3. Split your remaining items into 2 piles, one of them having exactly 1 item more than the other.
4. Follow the procedure in the Pinzetta’s Pile Appraisal box.
5. Shuffle all decision cards to form a new decision deck.
6. Draw a decision card and count the number of crossed out appraisal icons. Discard that many appraisal tokens (it doesn’t matter which) from the pile with the most tokens.
• The printed on the mat is considered a discardable token.
• In case of a tie, discard from the large pile.
7. Pinzetta takes the pile with the most tokens remaining. In case of a tie, she takes the large pile. You keep the other pile.
8. Return all appraisal tokens to the supply.
Example: You have created these piles:
You draw a decision card with this top section:
So, you remove 2 tokens from the large pile, which had the most tokens. It still has more than the small pile, so Pinzetta takes the large one.