Set up as normal for a 2-player game, with the following changes:
A. Don’t use the first-player token.
B. Remove attendee cards 1, 5, 6, and 9.
C. Replace the event cards with the Pinzetta event cards.
D. When you gain your player mat, gain one without a Pinzetta mat on the backside.
1. Three of the player mats have a Pinzetta mat on their backside. Pinzetta gains the mat whose ID number matches the yellow contest card. Leave space for your and Pinzetta’s Daily Collections below the mat.
2. Place the appraisal tokens nearby.
3. Place a forever stamp in the corresponding box on her mat.
4. Shuffle the Show Phase scoring cards to form a face-down deck and leave room for a discard pile.
5. Place the decision cards in a stack (they’ll be shuffled later) and leave room for a discard pile.
6. Place the player aid cards on the table.
7. Choose a difficulty level: 1 (easiest), 2, or 3 (hardest). We recommend starting at level 1.