To guide her decisions, Pinzetta sometimes appraises items. To do this, place appraisal tokens next to each item:
Attendee cards and forever stamps: 1
2. Face-up rare stamps: 4
3. Other stamps:
a. Face-up with value exactly 2 or 3: 1
Face-up/down stamps that match a stamp size in the top-left corner of Pinzetta’s mat: 2
Note: Stamps that match both 3a and 3b get 3 .
Note: 2x4 double-stamps are treated as a single stamp for Pinzetta.
Example: The target sizes on Pinzetta’s mat are small squares, i.e., 2x2 and 2x4 double-stamps:
These are the items to be appraised:
1. Place 1 next to the attendee card. Had there been forever stamps, you would place 1
next to each.
2. Had there been rare stamps, you would place 4 next to each.
3a. Place 1 next to the 3rd and 5th items from the left because they have the value 2 or 3.
3b. Place 2 next to the 2nd and 3rd items because they match the target sizes.