Each player performs the following steps. Return any unused components from each step to the box.
PLAYER MATS (A): Gain a player mat and place it in front of you to represent your stamp album. Each player mat has a different starting exhibitor card built into it.
SHOW TICKETS (B): Choose a player color, gain the 3 show tickets of that color, and place them above your player mat.
SCORING CUBES (C): Place 1 scoring cube in your player color on the 0 VP space on the score track; keep the other in your supply to use later if you exceed 50 VP.
FIRST-PLAYER TOKEN (D): If you are the player who has most recently mailed something, gain the first-player token and place it above your player mat. Alternatively, the token can be given to a randomly chosen first player.
GAME BOARD (1): Place the board near the center of the table.
PHASE TOKEN (2): Place the phase token on Friday’s Collect space on the board.
CONTEST CARDS (3): For each type of contest card, shuffle the cards and randomly place one face up on its marked space on the board. Return the unused contest cards to the box.
STAMP TILES (4): Place the forever stamps in a pile near the board. Separate the remaining stamps by size into face-down stacks near the board,
ATTENDEE CARDS (5): Shuffle the attendee cards (specialist and exhibitor cards) into a single deck and place it face down near the board.
EVENT CARDS (6): Shuffle the event cards together into a deck and place it face down near the board.