It’s now your turn to choose one of Pinzetta’s piles:
1. Follow the Pinzetta’s Item Appraisal procedure for Pinzetta’s Daily Collection, then Pinzetta’s Pile Appraisal.
2. If one pile has 3+ appraisal tokens more than the other, then swap the item with the most tokens in this pile with the one that has the least tokens in the other pile.
• In case of ties, use the leftmost tied item.
• Note that unlike when you cut, you do not draw a decision card when Pinzetta cuts.
Example: Pinzetta has created these piles and appraisals:
Since the large pile has 4 more appraisal tokens than the small one, Pinzetta swaps one item from the large pile with one item for the small pile.
In the small pile both items have the same number of tokens, so you take the leftmost and swap it with the item in the large pile that has the most tokens:
3. Choose and take one pile. Pinzetta keeps the other.
4. Return all appraisal tokens to the supply.
5. Advance the phase token 1 space to the right.