Select a Private Longship and pay the cost indicated on the card. Take that Private Longship from next to the board and place it beside your Leader Board. You may place a worker on this Private Longship in any Worker Placement phase (including the round it was acquired) and use it just like either the Small or Large Public Longship. The capacities of Private Longships and their Glory rewards vary based on cost. Each player may only build 1 Private Longship.
Small Public Longship
Place this longship in the harbor adjacent to the Distant Shores location you wish to journey to. During the Assign Viking Warriors phase, you will need to load this longship with Viking Warriors and Food to feed them. How many Viking Warriors and how many Food you place on the ship is up to you, but the combined total may not exceed the ship’s capacity of 5.
Large Public Longship
Pay 1 Coin to the supply then place this longship in the harbor adjacent to the Distant Shores location you wish to journey to. During the Assign Viking Warriors phase, you will need to load this longship with Viking Warriors and Food to feed them. How many Viking Warriors and how many Food you place on the ship is up to you, but the combined total may not exceed the ship’s capacity of 10.