The Hireling confuses me. Other than the +1 Bonus, what is the point of the card?
It's basically another Cheat! card that lets you swap out the attached Item. But it's vulnerable to the Kill the Hireling Go Up a Level card, and anything that makes you lose the Hireling takes the attached Item with it.
I used an ability to kill a monster. Another player used Wandering Monster, and then played Transferral Potion to move the monster to himself. They beat it. Who gets the level and Treasures?
If you automatically killed the only monster, combat ended and this whole sequence can't happen. If there were other monsters still fighting, however, this sequence is legal. You get the level and Treasures from the monster you killed after the transferred combat has been resolved. If the other player also wins, you draw Treasures first.
I played Wand of Dowsing. An opponent played a Curse on me while I was going through the discards. Is it legal for me to grab a Wishing Ring to use to cancel the Curse?
Absolutely. Playing Wand of Dowsing and pulling the card from the discard pile counts as a single action, so the effect of the Curse has to wait until you are done. Even if you had said what card you were going for, you're allowed to change your mind until you actually complete the action. However, once you have pulled the card, the Curse happens – if you don't get a card that will let you cancel the Curse, you have to resolve the Curse's effects before playing the card you just pulled out of the discard pile.
I was beating a monster and one of my opponents played Wand of Dowsing and said I couldn't win until they had searched the discard pile, which took 20 minutes. Is that ok?
Not even a little. "Discard diving" as a stalling tactic is not in the spirit of the rules. If your opponent knew there was a specific card they wanted to play against you, they should have told you as they went into the discards so you knew they weren't just wasting time. You would have been perfectly correct to call reasonable time if it was clear they were just searching for something to play against you. In informal, friendly games, many groups allow a player to say, "I'm pulling the +10 monster enhancer to play on you," and count that as playing the card even if the dowsing player doesn't yet have it in hand, as long as the card is actually in the discards to be retrieved.
The Wand of Dowsing doesn't say "Usable once only," but I have to discard it after I use it. Can I treat it like a one-shot (play it from my hand rather than the table, or play it during combat)?
The clear intent is that this is a one-shot card, even though it lacks the magical "Usable once only" language, and so the rules of one-shot cards apply to this one as well. It can be played during combat, and it can be used from the hand. We've fixed this error in recent printings.
If I use Transferral Potion to steal someone else's fight, can I then use cards or abilities, such as Magic Lamp, that are usable only on my turn?
It's not your turn. The card says the original player "resumes his turn," but that doesn't mean it isn't his turn at that moment, just that you've interrupted the sequence of events on his turn.
When does Magic Lamp let me keep the treasure?
If you are fighting one monster, and use Magic Lamp on that single monster, you collect the treasures from that monster. If there are multiple monsters, and you use Magic Lamp to get rid of one of the monsters, you do not get any of the treasures from that monster even if you defeat the remaining ones (you would still get the treasure from those monsters, though).
King Tut and the Wight Brothers say "Characters of higher Levels [than 3] lose two levels, even if they escape." Does that mean you lose two levels even if you defeat those monsters?
But if you cannot defeat them, then you must try to run away, and you'll lose the two levels even if you do escape. If they catch you, of course, you do suffer the Bad Stuff from those Monsters. (But you don't lose the two levels twice!)
Can I use my Warrior Berserking ability against the Ghoulfiends?
The Ghoulfiends text should say "No items or other bonuses help against them – fight with your Level only."
The Ghoulfiends card says only your Level counts in the fight, not your Items. Can you still use an item to avoid fighting entirely – say, the Magic Lamp?
Are the Ghoulfiends supposed to be Undead?
Can I use Instant Wall to force someone to Run Away?
Instant Wall allows one or two willing munchkins to Run Away automatically. Instant Wall should be used after the players have decided they need to Run Away but before they roll the die.
If I'm not a Halfling, can I just ignore the Stoned Golem entirely?
Yep. It's like it's not even there. The Stoned Golem makes a bad Wandering Monster because the victims can just ignore it, unless one of the combatants is a Halfling. But if you don't kill it, you don't get its level and Treasures, even if you do kill all remaining monsters!
What if the Gazebo appears as a Wandering Monster after the player already has a helper?
The helper has to back off and let the player whose turn it is fight the Gazebo, and the other monster(s), alone.
Some cards, like Magic Lamp, Illusion, and Pollymorph Potion, let you get rid of ONE monster. If you get rid of a monster, does its mate also leave?
A Mate is like a Wandering Monster. There are now two monsters, and you have to get rid of them individually. (We have found that it is easiest to get rid of the Mate card so the actual monster is still there for reference.) If you play the get-rid-of-it card before somebody tries to play Mate, though, there's no monster left for the Mate to join, so Mate can't be played.
Somehow, I ended up with two Dopplegangers and played them both. Is my combat strength tripled or quadrupled?
Each Doppleganger duplicates you and you alone, so your combat strength is tripled. Otherwise, you end up with Dopplegangers duplicating each other, which leads in four short steps to a spacetime implosion that ruins everyone's day.
What if a monster gets a Mate, or you get a Doppleganger, and then somebody backstabs you or plays potions on one side or the other?
Mate duplicates monster enhancers, not other types of cards. A Doppleganger is an exact duplicate of the player – essentially, figure his combat strength and then double it. If the player's strength changes, so does the Doppleganger's.
Can I use Friendship Potion on a monster if I fail to Run Away?
The combat ended when you failed to kill it.
Faced with multiple monsters, can a Wizard discard his whole hand to charm one, take its treasure, discard that new hand to Charm the next one, and so on?
Faced with multiple hostile monsters, one does not get any of their treasures until all are defeated.
If a Wizard is helping in a combat and charms a monster, do they get the Treasure from that monster?
The Treasures gained from a charmed monster are no different from Treasures from a monster that is killed, so the Treasures (drawn after the combat is over and all remaining monsters, if any, are defeated) are distributed according to the final agreement that the Wizard negotiated for his help.
Can a Wizard use his charm ability if he's not involved in the combat?
The card says this is something he may do instead of fighting a monster. It's not for interfering with others' fights, so the Wizard in question must be the munchkin who opened the door or the helper.
Can a cleric use Hoard! over and over by discarding it before they start drawing his three cards, and drawing it again, and discarding it and drawing three more, and so on?
Discard Hoard! AFTER the three cards are drawn. GREAT try, though!
If I play a card such as Wand of Dowsing that lets me put Hoard! in my hand, what happens?
It goes into your hand for a split second, then triggers the "play immediately" condition. Draw the three cards face down.
What if I have to choose between cards and one of those is Hoard!?
If a card makes you draw and choose between cards, and Hoard! is one of those you have to choose between, you do not play Hoard! until you choose it as the card to keep. Then play it immediately.
What if I get Hoard! when I'm drawing face-up Treasures?
Draw three more face-up Treasures and discard Hoard! Distribute the now-larger Treasure pile according to the agreement you made with your helper.
Hoard! says I have to play it immediately. Does this mean as soon as the card is drawn?
Hoard! says it must be played as soon as it is drawn. If you draw a card, and it's Hoard!, play it immediately. If you are dealt Hoard!, play it as soon as you pick up your hand, and draw three face-down Treasures.
If a cleric is facing more than one Undead monster, can they discard three cards per monster for a total of +9 against each one?
That's munchkinly thinking, but sorry, that's a max three cards per combat, not three cards per monster.
What happens if a player gets Divine Intervention in his opening hand?
The player should show the card immediately. All players who can become Clerics may choose to do so and go up a level.
I have just drawn Divine Intervention face down. What happens now?
As the card says, no matter how it is drawn, all Clerics go up a level immediately. Show the card, and, if you are a Cleric, play the card in glee. Otherwise, play the card with disgust to show your contempt for those lucky people who are . . .
Can a Thief backstab himself?
It would be very munchkinly, but the card specifically says "another player."
Can a Thief steal from someone while neither they nor their victim is in combat, but someone else is?
Can a Thief steal from someone else while THEY are in combat?
Can a Thief steal something while they are in combat?
What happens to a Level 1 Thief who fails an attempt to steal? Do they die?
Nothing happens to them. You can't go below Level 1. (Beware the Level 1 Thief – they literally has nothing to lose!)
How often can a Thief steal?
As long as he has cards to discard.
Can I use Help Me Out Here to take Pollymorph Potion (or Magic Lamp, or . . .) to take a monster out of the fight?
For purposes of Help Me Out Here, "winning" means beating the monster's combat strength. The Item you take must raise your combat strength enough to beat the monster's (or, as with the Kneepads, immediately lead to that situation). You cannot use Help Me Out Here if you are already winning, you cannot use it to take an Item that isn't strong enough to put you over the monsters, and you cannot use it to take an Item that doesn't change your combat strength.
Can I use Help Me Out Here to take the Kneepads of Allure and then make someone help me?
As long as the person you force to help you can make the difference between winning and losing (per Help Me Out Here's requirements), you most definitely can. Don't expect anyone to like you afterward . . .
If someone makes me help him with the Kneepads of Allure, can I backstab him, play cards against him, etc., so we both have to Run Away?
You're required to join the combat, not to try to win.
A card I played says to "roll a die." What die?
If it doesn't specify a particular die or tell you that you can roll any die you want, roll the six-sided die that comes with the game (or any other standard six-sided die, if you have several of them within reach).
When do we resolve cards? As they are played, or once everyone says they're done playing them?
As they are played. Some games have a "stack" mechanic, where all cards are resolved at once. Munchkin is not one of them.
If I'm told to draw two cards and keep one but discard the other and one of the cards has an immediate effect does that effect go off?
Only if that's the card you keep. When you are told to decide between cards to keep and discard, the effects of the kept card will go off immediately once you decide that that is the card you are keeping. Otherwise the card you discarded was never in play and never took effect.
Is the initial sex of a character the same as the sex of the player, or can it be chosen?
The rules say the player chooses their starting sex, and that it defaults to the same as the player's if not otherwise specified. We do recognize that these rules assume strict binary gender. If that makes the game less fun for you and your friends, feel free to ignore gender completely.
The art on a card shows a weapon being wielded with two hands, but the card says it only takes one hand. Do I go by the art or the card?
Go by the text. If the card says it is a 1 Hand item, it is a 1 Hand item, even if the card art shows it with two hands.
If I have two separate cards that both let me roll a die in the same situation (say both let me avoid a Curse) does one take precedence over the other?
Pick the one that gives you the best outcome and roll a die. If you fail that roll, try with the next ability you have. You can keep trying as long as you have the abilities to do so.
If an item has been cursed (e.g., with Antimatter), can a Cheat! card overrule the curse?
If the curse has added a negative effect to the item, a Cheat! card will not remove that effect.
If my only small Item has a Cheat! card on it, and I get Cursed to lose a small Item, can I say that the cheated Item doesn't count as "small" for the purposes of the Curse?
Cheat! doesn't take away the Item's properties, it just makes the Item usable for you when it otherwise would not be.
Can I use the Cheat! card to take an Item from another player, or use it to search through the discard pile to take an Item from it?
The Cheat! card allows you to equip an Item you normally couldn't due to Class/Race/slot/etc. restrictions. In other words, a second piece of Headgear, a second Big item (for non-Dwarves), an Item that requires a Hand or two when your other two are full, or the Bow With Ribbons for non-Elves.
If you have the Cheat! card on one Item, can you move it to another one?
Once you perform the initial cheat, the card cannot be moved to another Item. So if something happens to make the cheated Item legal for you . . . too bad.
Exactly when do you die, and how long do you stay dead?
You STAY dead only until the next person's turn starts. Your new character appears at that point and may join normally in the combat, though you will get no new cards until someone gives you Charity, you get cards as payment for helping in a combat, or your next turn starts.
Do I have to Run Away? What if I WANT to die?
Your character does not want to die. Your character will always TRY to Run Away. If you want to die, hope for a bad die roll.
Do I have to kill a monster? Even if I'm winning, can I just choose to Run Away?
You can't Run Away if you are winning with what you have in play. However, you are not required to exert your full effort to beat a monster, even if you could win handily by playing one-shots or using other cards or abilities. So, in that sense, you would be able to choose to Run Away.
Can I play Go Up a Level cards on another player – for instance, to make him go up to a level so that a monster that would previously ignore him will now chase him?
This is not the original intent of Go Up a Level cards (GUALs), but it is such a munchkinly and vile idea that we liked it too much to say no. But just as when playing a GUAL on yourself, the munchkin must legally be able to gain that level. You cannot play a GUAL card, even one with a secondary effect, on a munchkin at Level 9, and you cannot force another player to do something he doesn't want to do (e.g., discard an Item) by playing a GUAL on him.
If a low-Level munchkin encounters a monster that won't chase him, does the munchkin get the treasure?
The munchkin must still try to defeat the monster. But if he cannot defeat it, he automatically escapes without rolling to Run Away, suffering no Bad Stuff. He doesn't get any rewards for failing to defeat the monster!
I have a card that lets me Run Away from a combat automatically. But I'm facing a monster that says escape is impossible. Can I Run Away or not?
You cannot use your automatic Run Away ability, because you never even get a chance to try. You can Run Away automatically from any other monsters, even in the same combat, that do not have that restriction. (We have not ruled this consistently in the past, but this is the official answer going forward.)
I'm fighting a monster that says "Will not pursue anyone of Level X or below." I'm below that Level; can I still fight the monster?
You certainly can fight the monster. If you do not win the combat and have to Run Away, you escape automatically (no roll required).
I'm going to have to attempt to Run Away from a monster. Can I Curse other munchkins before I roll the die? What about after?
Even though curses can be played at any time, you'll have to honor the die roll before doing anything else. So yes, you can Curse before rolling the die, but not between the die roll and the monster's Bad Stuff/your escape. After that, you can resume Cursing as normal.
If a card that affects "your next combat" is played on you during a combat, does it affect THAT combat, or the next one you're in?
If the combat is still unresolved (and obviously it is, because people are still playing cards on you for it), then that combat is the "next" one. Most Munchkin games say this explicitly in the rules, but it's true even if we left it out by mistake.
My friends start counting 2.6 seconds as soon as they turn over a monster and combat begins. That's not even enough time to read the card! Is this legal?
The rule says you must get "a reasonable time" to respond when another player is winning a fight. What your friends are doing is not reasonable; you should be able to read the card to determine what, if anything, you want to do. On the other hand, you cannot take time during a fight to read every card on the table, contemplate your many (or few) options, or use a card to "discard dive," hoping to find something you can use in the fight. The "2.6 seconds" part of the rule is a joke; the intent is that you cannot hold up the game indefinitely just because someone else is winning, or, conversely, that you cannot immediately declare a win before your opponents can react.
Does the "reasonable time rule" apply to defeating a monster without killing it, or just to killing it?
Any sort of defeat. If you defeat it without killing it, other players still have a reasonable time to play an applicable card to frustrate you. However, if you removed the only monster from the fight (with Magic Lamp, for instance), the fight is over. Your opponents cannot play monster enhancers or other similar cards that affect a specific monster, because there isn't one there to fight, and they can't use any special rules for bringing in monsters (such as the Shark rules from Munchkin Booty) that depend on having a monster in the fight.
One of my opponents added a Wandering Monster that has a "before combat" effect. Since I'm already in combat, do I still have to do it?
No. You lucked out this time. However, rules that say "When this monster enters combat" do take effect.
Some cards say they automatically kill a certain type of Monster. Can anyone interfere with this? Can anyone interfere with this? Can anyone play a Wandering Monster?
Removing the final monster from a combat ends the combat immediately.
If you use a one-shot Item during combat and someone tries to make it disappear through Curse or Theft, do you get the bonus?
Theft doesn't work while you are in combat. Use of a Curse could destroy an Item as you try to use it, but once you play the Item into the fight, it's not yours to be Cursed anymore.
If somebody changes your Class during combat (such as with a Curse), does that change your combat bonuses?
Yes. If you quit being a Class, you can no longer get a bonus from Class-only items, and so on. You can never get the benefit of two Classes in one combat unless you have a special card that allows it. Exception: Abilities driven by discards work even if the Class with that ability is lost. If a Warrior had already discarded a card to get a +1 combat bonus, and then stopped being a Warrior, he would keep the bonus, but wouldn't be able to discard any more cards for the Warrior bonus. Yes, this rule can be used to the player's advantage. (However, you cannot discard a Class and play another copy of that card to use its abilities twice.)
Do combat bonuses that monsters receive against Classes stack? For example, if a monster gets +4 against Warriors and +4 against Wizards and I'm a Super Warrior/Wizard, does that monster get +8?
Unless it says otherwise on the card itself, monster combat bonuses do stack. This means that the above monster would be a +8.
Am I allowed to ask for help if I am currently winning the fight? The rules say I can ask for help if I'm losing, but nothing about if I'm winning.
That's because if you're winning, you don't need help, and a true munchkin would never ask for help they don't need. Unless a card says otherwise (and a couple do, for their own weird reasons), you may not ask for help if you are winning a combat.
How do I handle ties in combat?
Monsters win ties, unless at least one of the munchkins in the fight is a Warrior or you have some other card that says you do.
When you are faced with two or more monsters, can you kill one and flee the other?
No. If you have cards that let you abolish one entirely (like Pollymorph Potion) then you may do that, and fight the other one(s). (You will have to win that fight before you can claim any treasure at all . . . you can't charm one monster, grab its treasure, and then try to fight its mate.) But you can't fight one and flee the other. They fight you together.
What happens when a Wandering Monster comes along that would ignore or befriend one player in a fight, but not the other? For instance, when the Wandering Monster is an Amazon and one player is female
When one player helps another, the monsters do not fight the players separately . . . so if one player is female, the wandering Amazon would donate a Treasure and leave without fighting. (Remember that Treasures always go to the main fighter to distribute according to whatever agreement was reached.)
If one monster is affected (positively or negatively) by fire/flame weapons, are all of them?
A monster's immunity (or weakness) is given to all others in the fight. (This does not include straight combat bonuses or penalties; if one monster gets a -2, that doesn't mean EVERY monster has a cumulative -2 – it's -2 for the monsters taken as a group. And if a monster won't fight, that doesn't mean EVERY monster won't fight, just that one.) If it helps, think of the combat as a combined encounter, and the various immunities or weaknesses as conditions affecting the encounter.
Can I keep a Class out on the table sideways so I can use it later?
No. The only sort of cards that can be played to the table but not used are Items.
If I have Half-Breed and one other Race card, is my other half human?
You get the "all the advantages, none of the disadvantages" benefit of Half-Breed for your other Race, but you can't use Human-only items or claim bonuses against monsters that have trouble fighting Humans. (As a practical matter, there are very few of these, so this doesn't come up that often.) Note that this answer is specific to Race and Half-Breed.
Can I use two Super Munchkin cards to be more than two Classes*?
Unless you want to make it a house rule, of course. Munchkin 7 – Cheat With Both Hands has cards that allow you to have three or even more Classes or Races, among other crazy new overpowered cards you didn't realize you needed.
Can I Super Munchkin to be the same Class twice and get double benefits?
Each player may have only one copy of a specific Class in play. In other words: If you are a Super Warrior and have another Warrior card, you can not play it on yourself without discarding the Warrior card already in play.
When using Super Munchkin, can you discard one of your Classes and replace it with another, or just not replace it?
You can turn from, e.g., a Super Cleric-Wizard into a Super Cleric, or, if you have the Thief card, Cleric-Thief. This doesn't make you lose Super Munchkin. You cannot have a "naked" Super Munchkin card in play, even briefly.
Can I replace my current Class with the same Class to avoid Charity?
You can discard a Class at any time. You can play a Class at any time on your turn. There's no requirement that the new Class be different from the old one. So, yes.
If I only have one Class, and am changing the Class, do I lose any items that say "if you lose your Class, discard this card"?
As long as you play the new Class immediately after discarding the old Class, no. Think of switching a Class as one action with two parts (discarding the old Class, playing a new Class) so that action has to complete before any other actions would start.
If someone plays a Reloaded Die to cancel my Loaded Die, can I use a Reloaded Die to counter-cancel their Reloaded Die? The card seems to say yes, but the other players said I couldn't play a Reloaded
You can only play a Loaded Die on your own roll, not on someone else's roll. You can only play a Reloaded Die on someone else's roll, not your own. Your friends are right; to change your roll back, you would have to use a second Loaded Die card.
When can I equip or unequip my Items?
You may change the status of your Items at any time that you are not in combat or otherwise engaged (e.g., you cannot swap Items around prior to rolling to Run Away or before dealing with the effects of a Curse).
I heard some people talking about a "backpack," but I can't find that term in my rules. Are my rules out of date?
Some experienced Munchkin players use the term "backpack" to talk about Items that you are carrying but not currently using, but that term is not found in any official rules and we discourage its use. (To add to the mess, there are a couple of Treasures that actually are Backpacks and mean something entirely different. Really, it's best not to use the term.)
The rules say I can only have one Steed (Vehicle, Ship) unless I have a card that says otherwise. Can I unequip one Steed to play another?
Steeds (Vehicles, Ships) cannot be unequipped at all and certainly not to play another one. If you can't use your Steed for some reason, you must get rid of it as an extra Big item. (If, somehow, you find yourself with a Steed [etc.] that you can't use but can't get rid of, it does count against your Big item total; you only get to ignore a Steed's Bigness when you're actually riding it.)
I have a card that says it gives me an extra Hand, but it says "-1 Hand" at the bottom. What's the deal?
A. "-1 Hand" means you get an extra Hand; all the cards that use Hands have positive numbers, such as "1 Hand," at the bottom. If you add up the numbers of Hands on your cards in use, you're OK as long as you get 2 Hands or fewer – that's why cards that give you extra Hands are negative.
The rules say that cards in play must be traded or discarded. When can I discard them?
This depends on the type of card. First, it must be in play in front of you (no discarding other people's cards, silly). Race and Class cards (including Half-Breed and Super Munchkin), and other similar cards, can be discarded at any time, including to power a special ability, but not an ability for the discarded Race or Class (unless the ability requires discarding that particular Race or Class). Curses that remain on the table in front of you cannot be discarded. Item cards are the only cards that can be traded, and, as long as they aren't prevented from being discarded (say, by a Curse), can only be discarded in the following ways:
As part of a sale
To power a special ability of a Class/Race or another card
To fulfill the requirements of Bad Stuff or a Curse/Trap/Disaster
The Item is Big and you MUST get rid of it (e.g., because your Hireling died or you are no longer a Dwarf), and there is no one who can take it
Exactly what is a "weapon"?
In a more rigorous game, we would have labeled all the swords, axes, etc. as "weapons." Try to use common sense, even if this IS Munchkin. As a general rule, any item that uses Hands and is not already labeled as something else can be considered a weapon, as can items like the Singing and Dancing Sword that are obviously weapons.
Can you sell Items that total less than 1,000 Gold Pieces, just to get them out of circulation?
If the Items aren't worth a total of at least 1,000 Gold Pieces, you can't sell them.
Assuming I have at least 1,000 Gold Pieces in Items, can I throw in some Items with No Value as part of the sale?
"No Value" is exactly the same as "0 Gold Pieces," so you can sell these Items unless the card says otherwise. (But "No Value" must appear on the card! If a card has nothing at all listed for a value, it is not an Item and cannot be sold.)
Must I put my "usable once only" Items on the table before using them?
All one-shot Items (those which say "usable once only") may be played directly from the hand or from the table unless the card says otherwise.
Are cards like Yuppie Water, that don't say "Potion" on them but LOOK like Potions, considered potions for rules purposes?
If it's a liquid in a container, it can be considered a potion. (But note that other types of one-shot Items, such as Grenades and Ichors, must include that specific word! Potions are special. Also note that Ichors aren't Potions and Potions aren't Ichors.)
On my turn, we played a bunch of cards into a fight, and the player to my left is a Cleric. They started to put the cards on the discard pile in the order they wanted – is that legal?
The player whose turn it is discards everything. If the order is important, they set that as well.
When does a card move from play to discard? For example, if I use a one-shot Item during combat, is it in play during the entire combat or does it immediately move to the discards?
After combat
The one-shot card does not move to the discards until the battle is over. However, you no longer "own" that card, unless someone plays something to reboot the combat and return all cards to their owners, in which case you resume ownership.
If you have to lose Items, do you lose the ones from your hand, or just those on the table?
Only those on the table. If you are meant to lose cards from your hand, this will be specified.
If something tells me to draw a face-up card but the discard pile is empty, what should I do?
Never draw from the discards unless you are specifically told to do so. A face-up draw means take the top card from the appropriate deck and turn it over for everyone to see. A face-down draw means take the top card from the deck and put it in your hand, or play the card if it is legal to do so at that time.
I just kicked down a door and was hit by a Curse that will force me to get rid of an Item. Can I sell the Item for a level instead?
You have to resolve the Curse before doing anything else, unless you have a way to cancel the Curse completely (e.g., a Wishing Ring).
What happens when you die? Do Curses that persist go away?
Not unless the Curse itself says so. Sucks to be cursed, but, well, you knew that . . .
This says to pick a random card from my opponent's hand, but I can tell his Doors from his Treasures. May I use that information?
If it's important to your group that choices be truly random, then either close your eyes when you pick a card, roll a die, or have the other player mix up the cards below the table and you tell him which number card you want.
What do you mean by cards in play? Do cards in my hand count?
Cards that are in your hand are not in play and don't count as anything but cards until you play them. (For instance, if you are told to lose your Armor and you have an Armor card in your hand, you can't lose that one.) Your cards on the table are cards in play and these represent what they say they are. For example, a Race card is a card and a Race.
Is an Item the same as a Treasure card?
The rules say one thing. This card says another. What do I do?
In most cases, follow the card. But there are a few rules that can't be broken unless a card explicitly says so.