
Advance on dragon guild track-ravel step



The decision cards for Ravel Mode have a few additional icons used to determine how many steps Automa’s guild token moves on the Dragon Guild track:

STEPS BASED ON YOUR MOST EXCAVATED CAVE: Automa will advance her guild token on the Dragon Guild track by the number of steps equal to the number of excavated spaces in the cave with the MOST excavated spaces on YOUR player mat. For +1, increase the number of steps by 1.

STEPS BASED ON YOUR LEAST EXCAVATED CAVE: Automa will advance her guild token on the Dragon Guild track by the number of steps equal to the number of excavated spaces in the cave with the LEAST excavated spaces on YOUR player mat.

NOTE: When executing , her guild token always advances at least 1 space, as the first space of each cave is already excavated at the start of the game. A fully excavated cave has 4 excavated spaces.

EXAMPLE A — Ravel Mode-Advance on Dragon Guild, Steps Based on Your Most Excavated Cave: The numbers added to the example above count the excavated spaces in each cave. The icon on the decision card means Automa’s guild token will advance on the Dragon Guild track a number of steps equal to the number of excavated spaces in your cave with the most excavated spaces. In this case, your Crimson Cavern has the most, with 3 excavated spaces.

EXAMPLE B — Steps Based on Your Least Excavated Cave: In this case, the icon means her guild token will advance a number of steps equal to the spaces in your least excavated cave. Using the same player mat shown in the example 3a (above) your Amethyst Abyss has a single excavated space, therefore Automa’s guild token will advance 1 space.
