A player may move around town in either direction, but may not move through or stop on the Great Old One’s location in Phase One. If the Great Old One is on your location at the start of your turn, then you must use your first action to move away from them. The number of Town Cards a player may move is dependent on the number of tentacles on their Fear Track:

• No Fear Tentacles – Move 1 Town Card in either direction.

• 1 Fear Tentacle – Move up to 2 Town Cards in either direction.

• 2 Fear Tentacles – Move up to 3 Town Cards in either direction.

Your full movement must be taken consecutively. If the Town Card that you stop on has a face-down Page Card, flip it face-up.

Important: When you stop on a Town Card with one or more Shamblers, you must draw a tentacle from the Tentacle Draw Bag for each Shambler on that Town Card. Madness Tentacles and Chaos Tentacles are added to your Player Mat. Eldritch Tentacles go on the Energy Track of the Great Old One Mat. Resolve any tracks that become accursed (see Accursed).