Designer: Scott Almes

Illustrator: Ian Rosenthaler, Susie O’Conner

Graphic Designer: Jon Merchant

Lead Developer: Michael Coe

Developers: Jason Washburn, Darren Werner, Ben Shulman, Nathan Hatfield

Editors: Sarah Sharp, David Ladyman

Honorary Producers: Stephen B. Eckman, Robert Corbett, Brian Mattucci, Charles P Duffy III, William Goins, Armando Karim Yhamel Carlock, Travis Buschette, Dr. Smith, Samantha Montes and Jacob Rand, and Game Foundry.

©2024 Gamelyn Games, LLC all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. Tiny Epic Cthulhu, Gamelyn Games, the Gamelyn Games logo, and the TECt logo are trademarks of Gamelyn Games.

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