El Grande

Mini expansion “Power Shift”


This mini expansion allows you to change the value of your played Power card with Modifier cards, some of which also have a special ability.


Shuffle the 16 Power Modifier cards with gray backs. Then deal 3 Modifier cards to each player. Return the remaining cards to the box. Everyone looks at their 3 Modifier cards and passes 1 of them face down to the player to their left. Once everyone has passed a card, add all 3 Modifier cards to your hand of Power cards.

Gameplay changes:

When playing a Power card, you may also play one of your Modifier cards. Add or subtract the number from the value of your Power card.

Important: the total value must be different from the values that have already been played.

Example: You may play a 9 +1 (=10) if someone already played a 9.

Example: If a player before you played an 8, you cannot play a 7 +1 (=8).

If you play a Modifier card, you may use the special ability at the beginning of your turn: after taking Caballeros to your Court, but before choosing an Action card. After your turn, discard your played Modifier card with your Power card.