El Grande

2-Player Game (Dummy Player)


Set up the game as described on rule Setup (4-5 Players) with the following changes:

• Flip the game board. The 2- and 3-player side [ICON] should now be visible.

• Choose a color like usual. Choose a third color for a dummy and place the Caballeros of that color next to the game board. Shuffle the corresponding Power cards, and place them next to it. These are the cards and Caballeros for the dummy. The dummy also places Caballeros in Spain. It can change majorities, but does not get points.

• Shuffle the Action cards in stacks 2 and 3 and place them face down next to stack 1. You will only have 4 stacks to choose from instead of 5.

• As usual, draw a starting region for the King. Also a Region card for both players and place their Grande and 2 Caballeros there. Then shuffle all the Region cards and place them in a face down stack next to the dummy’s Caballeros.

Gameplay changes:

• At the beginning of each round, draw 2 Region cards. Place 2 Caballeros of the dummy in each of the drawn regions. If all 30 are on the game board, do not draw any more Region cards. If a card shows the King’s region, do not place any Caballeros there. Then place the cards on a discard pile. After each scoring, shuffle all Region cards.

• Before you play a Power card, turn over the top Power card from the dummy’s stack. Then, the player with the First Player marker begins (the dummy never gets the First Player marker). As usual, the value of the revealed Power card defines when the dummy makes its move. As with other players, you can not play a card with the same value.

• The dummy always takes the remaining Action card with the most Caballeros shown on the bottom. Immediately put this card on the discard pile (or flip it over if it is the King’s card). The dummy does not use the card. At the end of the round, discard the dummy’s Power card, too.

• You may move the dummy’s Caballeros or send them back from the regions according to the normal rules. But if an Action card would require the dummy's action (e.g. choose a region), skip the dummy.

• Scoring changes: Only the first two numbers on the Scoring board count.

Related Rule(s)