El Grande

Place Caballeros


You may place as many of your own Caballeros on the game board as are shown on the bottom of your Action card.

The following rules apply:

• You may only use Caballeros from your Court. If you have fewer Caballeros than shown on your Action card, you forfeit the rest.

• You may only place Caballeros in neighbor regions of the King’s region. Neighbour regions are all regions that are directly adjacent to the region where the King is located.

Important: You may never place Caballeros directly in the King’s region.

• You decide how many Caballeros you place in each region. You may distribute them as you wish. You may also place less than you are allowed to.

• Instead of placing Caballeros in regions, you may throw some or all of them into the • Castillo. How exactly the Castillo works is explained on the rule The Castillo.

• France and Portugal do not count as regions, so you may never place Caballeros there (nor your Grande or the King).

Example: Castilla is the King’s region. Therefore, you may place your Caballeros in Galicia, Navarra, Aragón, Toledo or throw them into the Castillo.

Related Rule(s)