El Grande

Action card explanations


Some Action cards use special terms, which are explained below. See the rulesrule Use an Action card, Place Caballeros, and Special action for the normal rules.

Move Caballeros

• Depending on the card’s text, you may move your own , opposing , or Caballeros of your choice

• You may take the Caballeros from different regions and move them to other regions, or throw them into the Castillo. You can move them to any region, not just neighbor regions of the King’s region. You can split them as you like.

• The cards will specify whether you’re only allowed to move to or take from one (specific) region .

• You are not allowed to move Caballeros out of the Castillo or from your Court .

Remember: As usual, the King’s region is taboo. You can never move Caballeros to or from the King's region.

Example "Intrigue": Move up to 2 of your own and 2 opposing .

Example: You move 1 of your Caballeros from Granada to Castilla and throw 1 into the Castillo. Then, you move 1 green Caballero to Valencia and 1 blue to Castilla.

Send Caballeros back to the Province

• If you have to send Caballeros back to the Province , the card text will specify whether you take them from regions or your Court . You place them back into the general supply (the Province).

• You can never take them from the Castillo or the King’s region.

• In case you don’t have enough Caballeros at the specified location, send back as many as possible.

Example "Withdrawal": Each opponent must return 3 of their from the regions or their Court to the Province. Your left neighbor starts.

Orange is to your left and returns 3 Caballeros from the their Court back to the Province first. Blue returns 2 from their Court and 1 Caballero from Valencia to the Province. Green is last and returns 2 from Toledo and 1 from Valencia.

Score regions

Score all regions specified on the card, following all normal rules (see rule Phase 5: General Scoring).

You are able to earn the King’s bonus and the Grande’s bonus (see rule Phase 5: General Scoring).

Note: Unless stated otherwise, you’re not allowed to score the Castillo, since it is not a region.

If you can choose a region, you may choose the King’s region.

As long as a region (or the Castillo) has a Scoring tile, use its values for scoring.

Example "Outposts": Score all 4-point regions.

Score all regions that give 4 points for 1st place. In this case, these are Sevilla, Cataluña, and Toledo, since a Scoring tile was placed in Toledo. You don’t score Galicia, because it also has a Scoring tile.

Secret disc

All specified players must secretly set the arrow on their Secret disc to the region of their choice.

Then, simultaneously reveal all discs and perform the rest of the card effect.

Example "Coup": Each opponent must move all of their from one region of your choice to another region. They use their Secret disc to decide where to move their .

You choose Toledo. Using their Secret discs, all other players secretly choose the region to which they will move all their Caballeros from Toledo. After revealing the regions, Orange moves 1 Caballero to Cataluña, Blue moves 2 to Granada, and Green moves 2 to Valencia. Your Caballeros stay in Toledo.