El Grande

Phase 5: General scoring


If the Round marker reaches a space with a lily , a general scoring takes place. This happens after the 3rd, the 6th, and the 9th round.

Note: For special scoring rules for 2- and 3-player games see the rules 2-Player Game (Dummy Player) and 3-player game.

Each region and the Castillo has a Scoring board that shows how many points you get for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

For each scoring, you perform the following steps in order:

a) Set your Secret disc

b) Score the Castillo and move Caballeros to a region

c) Score each region

The Scoring overview to the right of the round track is a reminder of these steps.

a) Set your Secret disc

First, decide where you want to move your Caballeros from the Castillo. Secretly, move the arrow on the Secret disc to a region where you want to move your Caballeros. Then place it facedown in front of you. All of you do this step simultaneously.

Attention: You cannot split these Caballeros across multiple regions. You must clearly choose one region.

Remember: The King's region cannot be changed in any way. If you choose the King's region with the disc or your disc is not set clearly, your Caballeros will return to your Court instead of moving to a region.

b) Score the Castillo and move Caballeros to a region

Now you score the Castillo. Open the gate so that the Caballeros tumble out, and separate the freed Caballeros by player color. As shown on both Scoring boards, the player who has the most Caballeros in the Castillo gets 5 points. The player with the 2nd most gets 3 points, and the 3rd most gets 1 point.

Note: The rules for a tie are explained below.

Note: Two Scoring boards are depicted next to the Castillo, so all of you can see the values clearly. Like the regions, you only score the Castillo once.

Track your points by moving your Score marker forward on the Scoring track.

Finally, everyone simultaneously reveals their Secret disc and moves their Caballeros to their chosen region.

Example: You empty the Castillo and determine the majority. You have 3 Caballeros in the Castillo, Blue 2 and Orange 1. You have the majority and get 5 points. Blue has the 2nd most and gets 3 points. Orange has the 3rd most and gets 1 point. Green has no Caballeros in the Castillo and therefore gets no points.

You move your marker 5 steps forward.

Then everyone reveals their Secret disc with their chosen region. YoYouu move your 3 Caballeros from the Castillo to Granada.

c) Score each region

Score each region in the order shown on the Scoring overview, from top to bottom. Scoring regions follows the same rules as scoring the Castillo. First you determine how many Caballeros each player has in the region.

Then, players with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd most Caballeros get points according to the Scoring board in the region. If a player has no Caballeros in a region, they get no points.

Important: Your Grande can give you bonus points (see below), but does not count toward majority.

The regions are scored in the order indicated on the scoring overview, from top to bottom one after another.

Example: Galicia is the first region to be scored. Orange has the majority with 4 Caballeros here and gets 4 points for first place. Blue has 3 Caballeros and gets 2 points. You are in 3rd place with 1 Caballero. Unfortunately, no points are awar-ded for 3rd place in Galicia. Green doesn't get any points either, since there is no 4th place.

Resolving ties

If some of you have the same number of Caballos in a region or the Castillo when it is scored, all tied players score the next lower position. It doesn’t matter how many players tie.

Example: The next region is Navarra. You, Blue, and Green each have 2 Caballeros. Remember: The Grande of Green does not count towards the majority.

All are tied for first place, therefore you are all considered to be in 2. place and each of you gets 3 points. Orange has 1 Caballero and gets 1 point for 3rd place.

After the scoring you move the Round marker again and begin a new round (see rule Playing the Game). After the 3rd scoring, you proceed with "End of the game".

King’s bonus and Grande’s bonus

If you score first place in the King’s region, you get 2 points extra.

If you score first place in the region with your Grande, you also get 2 points extra.

Note: In case of a tie, you never get bonus points.

These bonuses apply during both general and special scorings.

Note: It is possible to receive both the King’s bonus and the Grande’s bonus in one region.

Scoring tile

You can place and move the two Scoring tiles only by using the Action cards "Enactment". They replace a printed Scoring board in a region. There can only be one Scoring tile in each region.

Example: Later you score Sevilla. Blue and Green n each have 2 Caballeros and therefore share 2nd place. Therefore, Blue does not get the Grande’s bonus.

Blue and Green each get 3 points, you get 1.

In Granada you have the majority with 3 Caballeros. Because your Grande is located there, you get 2 bonus points. Since this is also the King’s region, you get 2 extra points as well. You get a total of 10 points.

Orange and Green get 1 point each for 3rd place.

Example: You move the Scoring tile to Castilla to reduce the majority points for this region.