


Game Design: Rosaria Battiato, Massimo Borzì, Martino Chiacchiera

Artworks: Davood Moghaddami

Development: Luca Appolloni, Marta Ciaccasassi

Art Direction: Matteo Brustenghi

Graphic Design: Lisa Bernacchia, Matteo Brustenghi, Daniele Solfrini

Designers wish to thank: Sofia Battiato, Matteo Cianchetti, Circolo Quintet, Marco Cristaldi, Stefano Fedriga, Guido "Fox" Marzucchi, La Fustella Rotante, Vinia Mattioli, Francesco Moca, Michele Piccolini, Sergio Roscini, Diletta Salafia and all the playtesters. Special thanks to Paolo Mori for his game Augustus, for the inspiration of the Bonsai Goal tiles.

DV Games would like to thank Matteo Dal Lago and UBI (Bonsai Specialists Italian Union) for their important contribution through review and fact checking of the game so that we manage to deliver an enhanced and complete game experience.

We have minimized the environmental impact of this game. In partnership with Trees for the Future, we are planting brand new trees to recover agricultural land in sub-Saharan Africa. By purchasing Bonsai you help us to renew our commitment.

Copyright © MMXXII daVinci Editrice S.r.l. Via S. Penna, 24 - 06132 Perugia - Italy All rights reserved.
