
Bonsai Origins


“Bonsai” is a term derived from the two kanji symbols 盆 “bon” (= pot) and 栽 “sai” (= to plant). Bonsai are living works of art in constant change, plants that even through their reduced proportions express all the power and balance of a big tree in the wild.

The art of bonsai originated in China over 2000 years ago, beginning in the VI Century, and was adopted and expanded in Japan with the introduction of Zen principles to the cultivation and care process. Approximately in the XVIII Century, the art of bonsai was spread among all social classes of Japan; Today it is an appreciated and practiced form of art all over the world, through globalization and the advent of the internet.

A bonsai is a never-finished masterpiece: the plant keeps growing and changing with the same seasonality that it would have in nature, but with the additional care and attention given by a specialist to guide its natural path. Bonsai are usually passed along from generation to generation and it’s not unusual to see bonsai that are centuries old. A fundamental aspect of bonsai is that they evoke a profound sense of strength, maturity and, most of all, deep peace and serenity to hobbyists, specialists, and newcomers alike.