The game is played over a varying number of game rounds (up to a maximum of 9), using the following sequence:
The starting player first activates one battleground and then one path.
Players take turns taking actions or passing, beginning with the holder of the starting player token, and proceeding in player order. (In the Trilogy scenario, the order is Frodo, The Witch-king, Aragorn, Saruman, then back to Frodo, and so forth.) Players continue taking turns until all have passed consecutively. When all players have passed consecutively, the Action step ends
Combat is resolved on each active battleground and on the active path.
Check to see if either side has attained victory.
In the Trilogy scenario, each Free Peoples player draws 3 cards, and each Shadow player draws 4 cards. Finally, the starting player token is passed to the next player in order — thus, in the Trilogy scenario, The Witch-king will be the starting player on round 2, Aragorn on round 3, and so on.