


1. Separate all cards into three groups by type: Caravan Master cards, Camel cards and Resource cards.

2. Each player takes a Caravan Master card and places it in front of them. Return any remaining Caravan Master cards to the box. Caravan Master cards are double-sided (the only difference is visual) and a player may choose the side to play with.

3. If playing with less than four players, you need to randomly remove a number of Camel cards from the deck.

Remove 8 random Camel cards for a three player game, remove 12 random Camel cards for a two player game.

Then shuffle all Camel cards and place them face down in the center of the table. This is the Camel deck.

4. Reveal the top 5 cards of the Camel deck and place them face up in a row near the Camel deck. This is the Market.

5. Shuffle all Resource cards and place them face down below the Camel deck (as shown in the example). This is the Resource deck.

6. Deal 5 cards to each player from the Resource deck face down to form their starting hand of cards.

7. Reveal the top 5 cards of the Resource deck and place them face up in a row near the Resource deck.

With this, the setup for the game is complete. Player that most recently has seen a camel takes the first turn, then the game proceeds with the players taking turns in clockwise order.