
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the plural of meeple?
The plural of meeple is meeple, just like with the word people. For example: the are three meeple in that city.
When scoring a feature and two players have a tie do both players get half the points?
Both get full points.
If I have same amount (tie) of meeple on a feature when scoring, who gets the points?
Both get full points.
How many meeple do I have?
The game comes with 8 regular meeple, but one is used to track score on the scoreboard. So, you have 7 meeple to play with.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move my meeple to other features on my turn?
Once you place a meeple, it will stay on that tile until you score it.
Related Rule(s)
Do I have to place a meeple after I place a tile?
Related Rule(s)
What is the starting tile?
The one with the dark back.
Related Rule(s)
How do I win the game?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Does a farm have to be completed by surrounding it with roads and cities in order to get a score?
All farms are scored no matter what state they are in – the cities must be complete, not the farms.
Related Rule(s)
Can I place two Monasteries side by side or corner to corner, or must they always have 8 other small cards around them?
Yes you can
Each Monastery stands in its own field already; you can place another Monastery in its own field as close to the first cloister as you like.
Related Rule(s)
If one of my city or road tiles has two segments on it, do I get a point for each segment?
For example, if you have a complete road in 3 tiles (straight line), having the road continue from the end/start point does not give you extra points.
Related Rule(s)
If I have a large meeple from the Expansion Set in a city, road, farm or Monastery do I get double points?
No. The number and size of meeple is only used for determining the majority.
If I play a tile which completes an empty city, must I place a knight in it? Or am I allowed to place a farmer instead?
As long as the farm is vacant you can place a farmer in it. No-one will score for the city. But you can only play one meeple, so you can't place both a knight and a farmer on the same turn.
When I play a tile which completes a city and I get a knight back, can I, on the same turn, place that knight on the same tile as a farmer or thief?
The sequence is: - Place a tile - Place a Meeple - Score the completed city - Place the knight back in your supply So you don't get the follower back early enough to play it on that turn. The first time you can use the follower is on your next turn. The same applies to roads and cloisters.
Related Rule(s)
If I have a knight in each of two cities which are close to each other, if a tile is played which joins the city (but doesn't complete it) can I take one of the two knights back into my supply?
Both knights must remain in the city! Meeple are only returned to your supply when the city is completed and scored. You can't choose to vacate an incomplete area. The same applies to roads which join without completing.
Can I get two meeples onto the same tile?
It's not prohibited, but in the base game it's also not possible.
Related Rule(s)
How do I get two meeples in the same city, farm or road?
The only way to get two meeples into the same area is by placing your meeple into a separate area close by and then on a subsequent move placing a tile which joins the two areas.
If I have two or multiple meeple in the same city, road or farm do I get double points?
If a farm is completed by surrounding it with roads and cities then can I score it and get my farmer back?
Farms are scored at the end of the game.
Related Rule(s)
Does a farm have to surround a city to get points for that city?
It only needs to touch it.
Related Rule(s)
How do I know which cities are in my farm?
The cities that will give your farmer points are the ones that the farmer can walk to on the green without crossing a road, river or city.
Related Rule(s)
When I place a monastery tile, may I place a farmer in the field around the monastery?
As long as it is a legal play a farmer may be place on any green area, no matter what else is on the tile or how small the area is. This cloister will then remain vacant for the remainder of the game
If two farms are not connected, there's a city in between and player has a farmer on both sides, does that player score twice from that city?
If at the end of the game one of my farmers is completely enclosed by roads, what score does he get?
Related Rule(s)