Can the Blocked Door card block doors with colored Fish token above them?
If a door with Fish token above it is blocked, and the Runner bumps into the Blocked Door card, does the player get to Collect the Fish token?
Do penguin colors have different meaning?
Do I need to use all components for playing?
It depends.
Board, Fish cards and white Fish tokens are used in all games, but penguins, Reminder cards, ID cards and colored Fish tokens used differs on the amount of players in the game.
Can I flick my penguin with the front of my palm?
Can I flick by using my thumb?
You can flick your penguin with the back of your finder, while resting it against the board or your thumb.
Can I build the school in any other way?
It depends.
If you own only ICECOOL, then you can only build the school in one configuration.
If you own both ICECOOL and ICECOOL2, then you will be able to build multiple different school layouts.
Can I put white Fish tokens over the doors?
The school is held together the best, if the white Fish tokens are placed on the marked spaces.
Can I place my drawn Fish cards face-up near my Reminder card?
It depends.
If you are playing using the tournament scoring, then all Fish cards grant players one point each and the numbers and symbols on them don't matter.
If you are playing the classical game of ICECOOL, then all drawn Fish cards are left face-down near the players Reminder card.
Can I look a my opponents Fish cards?
Can I count how many Fish cards my opponents have?
Can I choose which value Fish card to draw?
Can I play as a boy penguin?
Each Reminder card and ID card is double-sided and can be used as a boy or a girl penguin.
Is there a difference, if I play as a boy or a girl penguin?
How do I choose the first player?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Can the first player choose, who will be the Catcher in the first round of the game?
Does the first player start the game?
The first player is playing as the Cather during the first round of the game, but the first turn of the game is made by the player sitting to the left of the Catcher.
Hence, the Cather will be the last player to make a move at the begging of the game.
Can I place my color Fish tokens on any door?
Fish tokens must be placed one each atop the marked doors.
Can I place more than one Fish tokens atop the same door?
Can the Catcher collect Fish tokens?
Can a Catcher catch the same penguin more than once?
Can I take my ID card back from the Catcher, if i bump into him?
Can a Runner catch another Runner?
Can I use the same one point cards multiple times for the Ice Skates ability?
If I reveal my Fish cards, do I lose them?
Do I score points for the revealed Fish cards?
If I was stuck in a door and got pushed through by another penguin, do I get the Fish token?
If another penguin pushes me through the door, do I get to take the Fish token?
Why playing with two players the Runner has caught two Fish tokens and was caught by the Catcher once, if the Cather pushes the Runner through the last door, does the Runner get his last Fish token?
In a two player game, as soon as the Catcher touches the Runner, the Runner is considered to be "Caught" and he can't get anything else.
If I go through a door and go back to in the same movement, do I still receive the Fish token?
If a small part of the penguin can be seen one one side of the door, can I put my penguin to that room at the begging of the next turn?
If my penguin can be equally seen on both sides of the door, do I choose in which room to place my penguin?
Can I leave my penguin in the door and make a flick from there?
If a Runner has bumped into the Cather, is the Runner "Caught"?
If the Runner is caught, is he out of the game?
If the Red line is not drawn, do I place my penguin on the closest Red line?
All Red lines are considered to be drawn uninterrupted, even if a penguin tables or hockey is places above it.
Does everyone get to make a final turn, if somebody has caught his last Fish (caught last Runner)?
Can I choose to make a flick from the spot that my penguin is standing?
Does the round end as soon as one of the players completes their objective?
Do I get extra Fish cards, if I have caught all my Fish tokens?
Do Fish tokens grant any bonus points at the end of the round?
If I don't have my ID card, do I get the extra point card at the end of the round?
Is there a tie breaker rule?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Can the Catcher use Ice Skates to catch the Runner twice?
Can I use Ice Skates with the tournament scoring?
Do the numbers matter in the tournament scoring?
Do I need Fish cards in the tournament scoring?
Can I play the Racing game with two players?
The Racing game is played with teams of two penguins, but one player can take control of the team of two penguins.
Can I play the Racing game with an odd number of players?
Can I play the Racing game with the classical ICECOOL school layout?
Can I catch my teammates Fish tokens?
All six Fish tokens and two penguins of a team are considered to have the same color
Can my teammate choose to make a move with my colored penguin during his turn?
Can I take a second turn in a row in our team, if I flick my teammates penguin?
When one Team has crossed the finish line, does the game end immediately?
Does every team get to have the same number of turns?
Is it ok, if some layouts don't use all boxes?
Is it ok, if the layout can have an open door to the outside of the school?
If my penguin moves out of the school and then moves into the school during the same turn, does the movement count?
The penguin is considered to be out of school, if it finishes it's movement outside of the school.
If the penguin is able to return to the school in the same movement, the penguin is not considered to be out of school and hence, the movement is successful.