Game Play

Always a Bigger Fish is split into two phases, the Trading Phase and the Main Phase.

Trading Phase

Deal eight (8) cards to each player. The object of this phase is to create the strongest starting hand for yourself by trading with adjacent players.

Split your hand into four sets of two cards however you want. Place two cards face-up and two cards face-down towards the player on your left. Do the same with your remaining cards towards the player on your right. When all players have finished placing their cards down, choose one of the two sets of cards each of your neighbors have offered you. Return all unselected cards back to the hand of their original player. Each player should have eight cards again, two from the left neighbor, two from the right neighbor and the four cards they originally had which their neighbors didn't choose.

1 - Cards from the neighbor on your left. Choose either the face-up or face-down pair and add to your hand. Return the rest to your neighbor.

2 - Cards you offer to your left neighbor. After they take a pair, return the unchosen pair to your hand.

3 - Cards you offer to your right neighbor. After they take a pair, return the unchosen pair to your hand.

4 - Cards from the neighbor on your right. Choose either the face-up or face-down pair and add to your hand. Return the rest to your neighbor.