Always a Bigger Fish

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I play with fewer than the recommended sets added to the deck?
Always a Bigger Fish is designed to rarely run out of cards in the draw deck. Using fewer than the recommended sets for your player count will make running out much more likely. Should you choose to play with a smaller deck size, you should still follow the same rule when the deck runs out. See FAQ on when the deck runs out of cards.
Related Rule(s)
What type is a card that has no type icon?
All cards are "fish" whether or not they have an icon, and whether or not they are actually fish. Any icons beneath the Base Size are in addition to the fish type.
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This card has no text area for an ability, does it do anything special?
Very few cards (at most one in a set) will not have an ability. It is played to the ocean as any other card and will start at its base size. It is affected as normal by other card abilities.
Related Rule(s)
Can I choose one face-up and one face-down card?
No, you must either choose both face-up or both face-down cards from the same person. You may choose the face-up cards from one neighbor and the face-down cards from the other neighbor.
Related Rule(s)
What order do abilities happen in?
Aura > Splash > Reef
All Aura abilities that adjust the sizes of fish are applied first. Then the Splash ability of the played card activates. Finally, if something has triggered the ability of a fish in the Reef, those abilities trigger. If multiple abilities trigger at the same time, the owner of the tied cards chooses the order.
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If a player ends their Splash Phase can I still play a card with a Trophy Ability?
The Active Player will be able to continue their Splash Phase after the Trophy Card is played.
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What happens if a deck runs out of cards?
Though Always a Bigger Fish is designed to give you enough cards in the draw deck to not run out, there are some rare combinations of cards that could result in a lot of drawing. Should the draw deck run out, draws have no effect. If the draw is triggered by the Atlantic Cod, start with the Active Player and draw clockwise until the deck is empty or all draws are completed. The effect ends when the deck is empty.
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