
First Player

The player who most recently won a game of anything goes first.

On a player's turn there are two phases. The Splash Phase where cards are played to the Ocean, and the Frenzy Phase which is triggered when the Active Player decides to end the Splash Phase and the total in the Ocean is greater than the total in the Reef.

Splash Phase

During a player's Splash Phase, they must play at least one card to the Ocean . Cards are played one at a time with any abilities resolving completely before the next card is played. The Active Player may play as many cards as they wish during their turn. When the Active Player chooses to stop playing cards, compare the total of the Ocean against the total of the Reef . If the Ocean total is greater than that of the Reef, enter Frenzy Phase. If it is less than or equal to the Reef, pass the turn to the next player, leaving all fish in the Ocean there.

A player with no cards at the start of their turn instead draws one (1) card and immediately ends their turn, passing to the next player.

Frenzy Phase

This phase only triggers if the Active Player's Ocean total is greater than that of the Reef. Any fish with abilities that occur during Frenzy are resolved. Any remaining fish in the Reef are discarded. Fish in the Ocean are moved to the Reef. The Active Player takes control of the Trophy .

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