Fish: When a rule or card refers to a "fish" it means a card, even for animals that are not actually fish.

Ocean: The area the Active Player plays cards to.

Reef: The area players are fighting for control of.

Zone: General term for the Ocean or the Reef.

School: All of the fish within the same zone.

Base Size: The starting size of a fish. This number is displayed in the top-left corner of the card.

Size: The final value of a fish after all modifications are applied to its base size.

Active Player: The player whose turn it is.

Trophy: The player in control of the Reef owns the Trophy. If a player starts their turn in control of the Trophy, they immediately win the game.

Frenzy: When the Active Player ends their turn, if the Ocean has a higher total than the Reef, the Frenzy phase occurs. Discard all fish in the Reef, move all fish from the Ocean to the Reef, and the Active Player gains the Trophy. The turn then passes to the player on the left.