Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Trick cards?
Trick cards are only used in the advanced game and can provide either a one-time bonus or pints at the end of the game.
Related Rule(s)
Are there any gameplay changes in the advanced game?
Related Rule(s)
What are the changes in setup for an advanced game?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
What happens if there is a tie for the truffle trophy card?
Nobody gets it
If there is a tie for the truffle trophy card between two or more player, nobody gets the card.
Related Rule(s)
How many points do firework tokens provide at the end of the game?
From 2 to 4
Each fireworks token provide as many points as it has fireworks depicted on them. Each token can have between 2 and 4 fireworks on them.
Related Rule(s)
Does the bomb token provide any points at the end of the game?
Yes, -3 points
The bomb token is used only in the advanced game and the player that will have it at the end of the game will get -3 points for having the bomb.
Does the first player pickle token provide any points at the end of the game?
The first player pickle token provides as many points as there are players in the game.
Related Rule(s)
Do dogslicer tokens provide any points at the end of the game?
Yes, 1 point
Each dogslicer token provides 1 point at the end of the game.
Related Rule(s)
Do shield tokens provide any points at the end of the game?
Yes, 1 point
Each shield token provides 1 point at the end of the game.
Related Rule(s)
Are there any special rules regarding the end of the game stealing?
During the end of the game stealing each player can be stolen from only once as well as players can choose to take one of the discarded tokens, if there are any available.
What happens if you steal a shield token?
Shield tokens can't be stolen. If a player reveals a shield token during their steal, they don't take it and the stealing ends immediately.
Related Rule(s)
When stealing multiple times can I steal from different players?
If you steal a dogslicer token from another player, you immediately perform another steal from the same player.
Related Rule(s)
Can I steal multiple times from the same player?
If you steal a dogslicer token from another player, you immediately perform another steal from the same player.
Related Rule(s)
What allows me to steal?
You may steal by taking a dogslicer token as well as before the end of the game.
How do you steal?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
How can I get the first player pickle token?
You may either take it instead of the revealed loot token as well as it is passed when a truffle trophy card is revealed.
What is a truffle trophy card?
A truffle trophy card is a card that provides bonus points to the player that completes its requirements at the end of the game.
What is a mayhem card?
A mayhem card is random effect that might happen during the game. All mayhem cards change the regular game flow in some way, but are discarded at the end of the round.
What happens when multiple Squealy Nord tokens are revealed?
When a one or more Squealy Nord tokens are revealed you need to reveal as many cards from the Squealy Nord deck and resolve their effects. Afterwards, remove the revealed Squealy Nord tokens from the game and reveal new loot token, so that there are a total of 4 loot tokens revealed without any unresolved Squealy Nord tokens.
What happens if a Squealy Nord token is revealed?
When a Squealy Nord token is revealed you need to reveal the top card from the Squealy Nord deck and resolve its effect. Afterwards, remove the revealed Squealy Nord token from the game and reveal another loot token, so that there are a total of 4 loot tokens revealed without any unresolved Squealy Nord tokens.
What happens if all players have taken a loot token, but there are still some remaining?
Discard them
After each player has had the chance to take a loot token, any remaining revealed loot tokens are discarded.
Related Rule(s)
Can I take the first player pickle token instead of one of the revealed loot tokens?
You can, but the first player pickle token can only change it owner once per round.
Related Rule(s)
Can I choose to skip taking a token during a round?
Related Rule(s)
Does the amount of revealed loot tokens change depending on the player count?
You always reveal 4 loot tokens each round, regardless of the amount of players participating in the game.
Related Rule(s)
How many loot tokens are revealed each round?
Related Rule(s)
Do I need to use all Squealy Nord card when creating the deck?
It depends
If you are playing the regular game, then before shuffling and randomly selecting the Squealy Nord mayhem cards, you need to remove the "Tricky Pig" card from the pile. They are only used in the advanced game.
What is a town's treasure pile?
It is a pile of loot tokens that players will be drafting during the game. These tokens may contain fireworks, dogslicers, shields or Squealy Nord tokens.
What is the difference between advanced goblin cards and the regular ones?
Special ability
Advanced goblin cards each have an ability that can be used during the game once.
How do I prepare the Squealy Nord deck?
Depending on the number of players in the game you will need to randomly take a number of mayhem and truffle trophy cards to create the Squealy Nord deck.
Are there any special setup rules?
Before randomly discarding some loot tokens you need to remove all Squealy Nord tokens, first player pickle and bomb token. They will be returned later.
Related Rule(s)
How many tokens are there in the game?
Related Rule(s)
What happens if there is a tie?
The player with the most tokens among the tied players wins the game.
Related Rule(s)
Who wins?
The player with most points at the end of the game is declared the "bestest" goblin of the raid and wins the game.
How do I calculate my score?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
What happens at the end of the game?
One more steal
After 10 rounds of play all players will have a chance to perform one last steal action and then the game will end.
When does the game end?
After 10 rounds
After 10 rounds of play all players will have a chance to perform one last steal action and then the game will end.
When does a round end?
A round ends, once all players have had a chance to take a loot token.
Related Rule(s)
Who starts the round?
The player that has the first player pickle token starts each round.
Related Rule(s)
How do we determine the playing order for the round?
The player with the first player pickle token always takes the first turn each round & continuing in a clockwise direction around the table.. However, the token can be taken away by other player thus changing the turn order for the next rounds.
Related Rule(s)
What can I do on my turn?
During your turn you need to choose one of the available tokens & possibly perform a steal. In the advanced game you may also use your goblins ability or a trick card.
Related Rule(s)
Are there any differences if playing with different amount of players?
You setup the game in the same way for any player amount. The only two exceptions are the amount of tokens that you randomly discard at the beginning of the game and how many cards you use to create the Squealy Nord deck.
Who goes first?
The player with the first player pickle token starts the game.
Related Rule(s)
How do I set up for a 4 player game?
You setup the game in the same way for any player amount. The only two exceptions are the amount of tokens that you randomly discard at the beginning of the game and how many cards you use to create the Squealy Nord deck.
How do I set up for a 3 player game?
You setup the game in the same way for any player amount. The only two exceptions are the amount of tokens that you randomly discard at the beginning of the game and how many cards you use to create the Squealy Nord deck.
How do I set up for a 2 player game?
You setup the game in the same way for any player amount. The only two exceptions are the amount of tokens that you randomly discard at the beginning of the game and how many cards you use to create the Squealy Nord deck.
How do I win the game?
By collecting the most fireworks during the game.
Related Rule(s)
What is the goal of the game?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)