The player with face-down tiles reveals 1 tile (Landscape or Task tile) each turn, which the other player must locate from amongst their face-up tiles. Both players place their tile in their own play area according to the placement rules

Whether a Landscape or Task tile is revealed is subject to the following rules:

Reveal 1 Task tile in each of the first 3 turns of the game.

Whenever a Task tile is revealed, the player with the Task markers face-down in front of themselves must also immediately reveal 1 matching Task marker. The other player must pick out the same Task marker from amongst their face-up Task markers. Then, place the revealed Task marker on your Task tile and add both to your own play area.

There are 7 different Task types:

Forest Tasks

Grain Tasks

Village Tasks

Track Tasks

Stream Tasks

Wraparound Tasks

3 different Double Tasks

Example: If you reveal a Task tile with a Forest Task, turn over 1 Forest Task marker and place it on the tile. Then place both together in your play area.

On each subsequent turn, always first check how many Task tiles with Task markers are in each of the play areas:

A) If 1 or both players have fewer than 3 Task tiles with Task markers on them in their play area, turn over 1 new Task tile and place it with a matching Task marker in your play area according to the placement rules. This means that 1 player can have more than 3 Task tiles with a Task marker on them in their play area.

B) If there are 3 (or more) Task tiles with Task markers on them in both play areas, turn over 1 new Landscape tile and place it in your play area according to the placement rules.