Each Task marker shows a number – 3, 4, 5 or 6. This number indicates how many tiles (Landscape tiles, Task tiles, or Special tiles if Module 2 is used) the corresponding territory or Track/ Stream must consist of for this Task marker to be considered completed. (A territory is formed by tiles of one Landscape type connected by matching edges).
In the case of Double Tasks, 1 of the two specified territories must consist of exactly 6 tiles in order to complete the Task.
There is a small exception for Wraparound Tasks:
A Wraparound Task is considered fulfilled if there are exactly as many tiles on its edges as the number on the Wraparound Task marker indicates. Important: The Task tile itself does not count here!
It is possible to complete Task markers immediately upon playing them.
Example: The Grain Task marker and the Wraparound Task marker are completed because the Grain territory consists of exactly 4 tiles and exactly 3 tiles are adjacent to the Wraparound Task tile.
If you have completed a Task marker, place it face-up on the edge of your play area. For a better overview, sort completed Task markers one by one (by type) next to each other. At the end of the game, completed Task markers are one source of points.
Don’t forget: Before revealing the next tile, check whether there are fewer than 3 Task tiles with Task markers on them in one (or both) play areas.
Example: The Stream Task marker with the number 5 is not yet completed because the Stream only consists of 4 tiles so far.
In a later turn you place a Stream Task tile with a number 6 Task marker on it. This completes Task marker 5. Place it on the edge of your play area with any other completed Task markers. To complete the number 6 Task marker, you must add another tile with a Stream.