Dorfromantik: The Duel

Module 2: Points of Interest


Module 2: Points of Interest

For this Module you will need the 2 storage boards, the 5 Point of Interest cards, the 6 Red Hearts, the 8 Special tiles, the 2 Photographers with stands, and the 18 Camera markers.


Take the storage board of your color and place it in front of you. Place the Point of Interest cards next to each other on the edge of the shared play area. Place the Red Hearts, the Special tiles, and the Photographers with the Camera markers on their corresponding cards.


Whenever you complete a Task, place the Task marker on your storage board, starting on space 1 and continuing in ascending numerical order. If you place a Task marker on space 4, 7, or 10, i.e., if you have completed your 4th, 7th, or 10th Task, you may choose 1 Point of Interest to bring into play. You may only choose each Point of Interest once. (The illustrations on special tiles B and C contain either the color red or the color blue, so you can take the tile that matches your game color.)

The Points of Interest are:


If you choose the Hearts, you may bring them into play one at a time, starting from your next turn, by placing 1 Heart on a Landscape tile at the same time you place it. Cannot be played onto a Task or Special tile.

Important: Whichever player first chooses the Hearts may take 3 of them. In addition, return 1 of the remaining 3 Hearts back to the box. The other player thus only gets 2 Hearts if they choose this Point of Interest and can therefore probably score fewer points with them. If you are allowed to choose 1 Point of Interest at the same time and you both want to take the Hearts, then you both get 3 Hearts each.

At the end of the game, locate each tile with a Heart, and check how many of that tile’s 6 sides are adjacent to tiles with a matching edge—Forest/Forest, Meadows/Meadows, Track/Track, etc. Each matching edge gives you 1 point. You can score up to 6 points per Heart.

The Photographer

If you choose the Photographer, first place the Special tile in your play area according to the placement rules and place the Photographer on the tile. For the rest of the game, each time you place a tile adjacent to the tile on which the Photographer is standing, you may move the Photographer onto the newly placed tile. Then place 1 Camera marker (with your color facing up) on the tile with the Photographer.

Be aware: there are only 18 Camera markers available to all players, regardless of color. It is possible for one player to score more Camera markers than another, if they choose to place their Photographer early in the game and activate it frequently.

At the end of the game, you score 1 point for each Camera marker placed in your play area.

The School, the Granary, and the Old Oak

If you decide on this Point of Interest, you must first choose 1 tile from the 3 Special tile types. Place it in your play area according to the placement rules.

Important: Each player can only choose to place 1 of these 3 Special tiles in a game, and will lose access to the remaining 2 Special tiles after making their choice.

If only one player chooses a Special tile Point of Interest, return the second tile of that type (in the other player’s color) to the box. The other player can only choose from these two remaining Special tile types, in the future. If both players choose a Special tile Point of Interest at the same time, you may both take the same Point of Interest.

Once you have both chosen 1 of these 3 Special tile types, return the remaining tiles back to the box.

At the end of the game, you score 1 point for each tile with the corresponding required Landscape type within 2 tiles of the Special tile. Empty spaces also count for the distance calculation (see also the examples on the backs of the 3 Points of Interest cards).

Record the sum of the points from your Points of Interest on the score sheet in the field below the Star.