The Dorfromantik Video Game Team: (starting clockwise from top left: Sandro Heuberger, Luca Langenberg, Timo Falcke, Zwi Zausch) Luca, Sandro, Timo, and Zwi are the developers for the Dorfromantik video game that has been released for PC and Nintendo Switch so far. Together they founded the development studio Toukana Interactive, under whose name they would like to develop many more creative and high-quality indie games. Their first title, Dorfromantik, has enjoyed great international success. In addition, Dorfromantik has been awarded many prizes, including Best Game Design and Best Debut at the German Computer Game Awards 2021, as well as the Best German Game at the German Developer Awards 2021. All four are enthusiastic board gamers and had a lot of fun contributing to the implementation of their title.

Illustrator: Paul Riebe, from Berlin, is a visual development artist and works mainly for the entertainment industry. Among other things, he works for the award-winning KARAKTER Design Studio and Envar Entertainment based in Stockholm as well as several renowned AAA video game series, well-known series formats, and blockbusters. Dorfromantik is the first board game he’s illustrated. The big challenge was to preserve the charming style of the video game while also meeting the requirements of a board game. He especially enjoyed adding the numerous little scenes on the tiles.

Game Designers: More than 20 years ago, the two designers—Lukas Zach from the north of Germany and Michael Palm from the south of Germany—met by sheer coincidence (or perhaps by good luck?). Lukas wanted to know how games were actually developed and pulled a randomly chosen game from his game shelf to write to the game’s designer. Michael received the message in his game and comic shop Seetroll on Lake Constance. The two met, and in addition to some initial game ideas, they developed their first game together, Die Kutschfahrt zur Teufelsburg (Adlung Verlag), which was crowned Card Game of the Year in Italy.

Since then, they’ve developed numerous games together. They work together via video conference every week, trying out their games together online or in their testing groups in the north and south. This has resulted not only in games like The Dwarfs, Magic to the Power of Three (both for Pegasus Spiele), Bang! The Dice Game (Abacusspiele), Aventuria (Ulisses Spiele) and the UNDO series (Pegasus Spiele), but also in a friendship between 2 game designers who live more than 800 km apart. Both hope that players will be elated with their latest work, Dorfromantik.

Game Design: Lukas Zach and Michael Palm | Illustration: Paul Riebe Graphic Design: Jens Wiese | Realization: Klaus Ottmaier

Pegasus Spiele GmbH, Am Straßbach 3, 61169 Friedberg, Germany, under license from Toukana Interactive UG. © 2024 Pegasus Spiele GmbH. All rights reserved.